Neumann Factorization Theorem Proof
📂Mathematical StatisticsNeumann Factorization Theorem Proof
Let’s say a random sample X1,⋯,Xn has the same probability mass/density function f(x;θ) for a parameter θ∈Θ. Statistic Y=u1(X1,⋯,Xn) is a sufficient statistic for θ if there exist two non-negative functions k1,k2≥0 that satisfy the following.
Here, k2 must not depend on θ.
Definition of Sufficient Statistic: For a function H(x1,⋯,xn) that does not depend on θ∈Θ,
if that is true, then Y1 is called a Sufficient Statistic for θ.
We prove this only for continuous probability distributions. Refer to Casella for proofs on discrete probability distributions.
As per the definition of sufficient statistic, it is obvious since fY1 corresponds to k1, and H to f2.
Let’s denote the inverse functions of the above functions for convenience and represent the Jacobian as J.
Then, the joint probability density function g of Y1,⋯,Yn for wi=wi(y1,⋯,yn) is
and, the marginal probability density function fY1 of Y1 is
k2, being a function that does not depend on θ and since J also does not involve θ, the right-hand integral can be expressed as a function solely of y1, which we’ll temporarily denote as m(y1).
Here, if m(y1)=0, it is trivially fY1(y1;θ)=0. Now, assuming m(y1)>0, it can be written as follows.
Substituting the given expression yields
Since both k2 and m do not depend on θ, by definition, Y1 is a sufficient statistic for θ.