
Limits of Complex Functions 📂Complex Anaylsis

Limits of Complex Functions

Definition 1

Let f:CCf : \mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C} be a complex function f:ACf : A \to \mathbb{C} defined on an open set ACA \subset \mathbb{C} where αA\alpha \in \overline{A}. To say that f(z)f(z) converges to the limit ll when zαz \to \alpha means for all ε>0\varepsilon > 0, there exists δ>0\delta > 0 such that 0<zα<δ    f(z)l<ε 0 < \left| z - \alpha \right| < \delta \implies \left| f(z) - l \right| < \varepsilon is satisfied, and is denoted as follows. limzαf(z)=l \lim_{z \to \alpha} f(z) = l


Assume both limzαf(z)\lim_{z \to \alpha} f(z) and limzαg(z)\lim_{z \to \alpha} g(z) exist.

  • Uniqueness: If limzαf(z)\displaystyle \lim_{z \to \alpha} f(z) exists, then it is unique.
  • Conjugate: limzαz=α\lim_{z \to \alpha} \overline{z} = \overline{\alpha}
  • Multiplication by a constant: For all kCk \in \mathbb{C}, limzαkf(z)=klimzαf(z) \lim_{z \to \alpha} k f(z) = k \lim_{z \to \alpha} f(z)
  • Addition: limzα[f(z)+g(z)]=limzαf(z)+limzαg(z)\lim_{z \to \alpha} \left[ f(z) + g(z) \right] = \lim_{z \to \alpha} f(z) + \lim_{z \to \alpha} g(z)
  • Multiplication: limzαf(z)g(z)=limzαf(z)limzαg(z)\lim_{z \to \alpha} f(z) g(z) = \lim_{z \to \alpha} f(z) \lim_{z \to \alpha} g(z)
  • Division: Only when limzαg(z)0\displaystyle \lim_{z \to \alpha} g(z) \ne 0, limzαf(x)g(x)=limzαf(z)limzαg(z)\lim_{z \to \alpha} {{ f(x) } \over { g(x) }} = {{ \lim_{z \to \alpha} f(z) } \over { \lim_{z \to \alpha} g(z) }}


Note that it was not necessary for α\alpha to specifically belong to the domain of ff in the definition, and it was never stated that l=f(α)l = f(\alpha).

The difference between a Real Valued Function and a Complex Valued Function is in their direction. While R\mathbb{R} to xax \to a feels like approaching from either side in aa, approaching zαz \to \alpha from C\mathbb{C} feels like coming from all directions on the complex plane.

  1. Osborne (1999). Complex variables and their applications: p37. ↩︎