
Exponential Functions 📂Functions

Exponential Functions


The Exponential Function is a generalization of exponentiation that appears universally across all branches of mathematics. Although in original exponentiations the base a>0a > 0 does not necessarily have to be a=ea = e, the existence of the base change formula means that essentially, it doesn’t matter which base is used. For convenience, when referring to an exponential function, its base is commonly considered as ee.

Definition 1

When x,yRx, y \in \mathbb{R}, for a complex number zCz \in \mathbb{C}, exp:CC\exp : \mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C} is defined as follows: expz=ez=ex+iy=ex(cosy+isiny) \exp z = e^{z} = e^{x + iy} = e^{x} \left( \cos y + i \sin y \right)

  • e=2.71828182e = 2.71828182 \cdots is the Euler’s constant.


This has been equally covered in the curriculum, but I’ll describe it with slightly more difficult terminology. For convenience, the base is unified as ee, and I’ll explain with a review sentiment rather than convincing in detail to the level of high school students.

Natural Numbers N\mathbb{N}

The very foundation of the exponential function, its exponentiation, can naturally be expressed for some natural number nNn \in \mathbb{N} as follows. Here, nn used as a superscript to ee intuitively represents how many times ee has been multiplied. en=eeen Times e^{n} = \overbrace{e \cdot e \cdots e}^{n \text{ Times}} Furthermore, for two natural numbers n,mNn, m \in \mathbb{N}, the following can easily be confirmed: en+m=enem e^{n+m} = e^{n} e^{m}

Integer Z\mathbb{Z}

According to the Field Axioms, for all real numbers a0a \ne 0, an inverse element a1a^{-1} for multiplication must exist. In other words, for all a=ena = e^{n}, there exists an a1a^{-1} that satisfies the following: 1=aa1=ena1 1 = a \cdot a^{-1} = e^{n} \cdot a^{-1} Intuitively, this corresponds to how many times ee is divided. Representing this inverse as a1=ena^{-1} = e^{-n}, the exponential function is thereby extended to all integers.

Rational Number Q\mathbb{Q}

Consider ene^{n} that satisfies the following for two integers n,mZn,m \in \mathbb{Z} and ama^{m}: am=en a^{m} = e^{n} This means that squaring ee by nn times results in ama^{m}. Now, if we denote it as a=enma = e^{ {{ n } \over { m }} }, it can be expressed as: am=(enm)m=enmenmm Times a^{m} = \left( e^{ {{ n } \over { m }} } \right)^{m} = \overbrace{e^{ {{ n } \over { m }} } \cdots e^{ {{ n } \over { m }} }}^{m \text{ Times}} Thus, it’s clear that the exponential function extends well to rational numbers.

Real Number R\mathbb{R}

Due to the density of real numbers, there must exist a sequence of rational numbers {rk}k=1\left\{ r_{k} \right\}_{k=1}^{\infty} that converges to every real number xRx \in \mathbb{R}. Accordingly, the exponentiation of ee for the real number xRx \in \mathbb{R} is defined as follows: exp(x)=ex:=limkerk \exp(x) = e^{x} := \lim_{k \to \infty} e^{r_{k}}

Complex Number C\mathbb{C}

Polar Representation of Complex Numbers: A complex number z0z \ne 0 corresponds to point P(x,y)P(x,y) on the complex plane, and can be Polar Represented through the length of segment OP\overline{OP}, r:=zr := |z|, and the counterclockwise angle θ\theta made with the xx axis as follows: z=r(cosθ+isinθ) z = r \left( \cos \theta + i \sin \theta \right)

Finally, the extension to complex functions occurs formally as above. From the citation above, r=exeiy=cosy+isiny r = e^{x} \\ e^{iy} = \cos y + i \sin y is naturally obtained, and thus it is defined as an exponential function, a type of complex function. expz=ez=ex+iy=ex(cosy+isiny) \exp z = e^{z} = e^{x + iy} = e^{x} \left( \cos y + i \sin y \right)

  1. Osborne (1999). Complex variables and their applications: p24. ↩︎