
Definition of Complex Numbers 📂Complex Anaylsis

Definition of Complex Numbers

Definition 1

  1. The solution x=1x = \sqrt{-1} of the quadratic equation x2+1=0x^{2} +1 = 0 is called an Imaginary Number.
  2. A number in the form of z=x+iyz = x + iy for two real numbers x,yRx,y \in \mathbb{R} is called a Complex Number, and is also denoted as (x,y)(x,y). Here, Re(z)=x\operatorname{Re} (z) = x and Im(z)=y\operatorname{Im} (z) = y are called the Real Part and Imaginary Part of zz, respectively.
  3. The set of all complex numbers is denoted by C\mathbb{C}. Two complex numbers z1,z2Cz_{1}, z_{2} \in \mathbb{C} are said to be Equal when their real parts and imaginary parts are respectively equal. Rez1=Rez2Imz1=Imz2 \operatorname{Re} z_{1} = \operatorname{Re} z_{2} \\ \operatorname{Im} z_{1} = \operatorname{Im} z_{2}
  4. The magnitude of a complex number is called the Modulus and is defined as follows. z:=x2+y2 | z | := \sqrt{x^{2} + y^{2}}


  • Note that the imaginary part Imz=yR\operatorname{Im} z = y \in \mathbb{R} is not multiplied by the imaginary unit ii.
  • In physics and engineering, since ii represents current, the imaginary unit is sometimes denoted as j:=1j := \sqrt{-1}.
  • In the curriculum, complex numbers are commonly indicated as 1+2i1 + 2i with ii written after the number, but in mathematics-oriented literature, the tendency is strong to denote it as 1+i21 + i2 with ii in front. This indicates the intention to treat ii not as a letter but as a number equal to any other, and it can be understood that this notation is practical as it makes the front the real part and the back the imaginary part around ii.


Historically, the imaginary number was first introduced in Ars Magna, a work by Cardano (a pioneer of probability theory) in 1545. It was not fully accepted in the mathematical community until about the 19th century. Gauss named ii as Imaginary Number, the current term, and used it in the proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. The symbol ii itself appears in Euler’s memoir of 1777.

Complex Plane 2

Cx+iy=(x,y)R2 \mathbb{C} \ni x + iy = (x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^{2}

As can be guessed from the definition, the set of complex numbers C\mathbb{C} can be seen as, and actually corresponds to, a two-dimensional plane R2\mathbb{R}^{2}. Literally, xx represents the xx axis, and yy represents the yy axis, which will now mean the real axis and imaginary axis, respectively. It is very logical that the modulus of a complex number is defined as z:=x2+y2| z | := \sqrt{x^{2} + y^{2}} when considering Pythagoras’ Theorem.

Field Axioms

z1+z2=(Rez1+Rez2,Imz1+Imz2)z1z2=(Rez1Rez2Imz1Imz2,Rez1Imz2Imz1Rez2) \begin{align*} z_{1} + z_{2} =& \left( \operatorname{Re} z_{1} + \operatorname{Re} z_{2} , \operatorname{Im} z_{1} + \operatorname{Im} z_{2} \right) \\ z_{1} \cdot z_{2} =& \left( \operatorname{Re} z_{1} \operatorname{Re} z_{2} - \operatorname{Im} z_{1} \operatorname{Im} z_{2} , \operatorname{Re} z_{1} \operatorname{Im} z_{2} - \operatorname{Im} z_{1} \operatorname{Re} z_{2} \right) \end{align*}

If the binary operations Addition +:C2C+: \mathbb{C}^{2} \to \mathbb{C} and Multiplication :C2C\cdot: \mathbb{C}^{2} \to \mathbb{C} for two complex numbers z1,z2Cz_{1}, z_{2} \in \mathbb{C} are defined as above, then C\mathbb{C} algebraically becomes a Field, and C\mathbb{C} is called the Complex Field. Similar to the Real Field in introduction to analysis, all field axioms are satisfied.

  1. Osborne (1999). Complex variables and their applications: p1~4. ↩︎

  2. Osborne (1999). Complex variables and their applications: p8~9. ↩︎