Sexually Transmitted Diseases Model: Disease Transmission between Two Populations
Cooke and Yorke’s proposed mathematical model for the spread of sexually transmitted diseases is explored. In references, gonorrhea is considered as a specific example of a sexually transmitted disease.
Model 1
- : Represents the number of individuals in the -th group that are susceptible to the disease at time .
- : Represents the number of individuals in the -th group that can transmit the disease at time . In the context of information dissemination, it also follows the initial letter of Informed.
- : The infection rate from group to group .
- : The recovery rate of group .
Essentially, it uses the SIS model, but regardless of that, the key point is that the entire population is divided into two groups . Naturally, this index represents the distinction between men and women, and considering the real-world dating market, should be significantly different values.
Capasso. (1993). Mathematical Structures of Epidemic Systems: p13. ↩︎