Commutator of Momentum and Position
📂Quantum MechanicsCommutator of Momentum and Position
The commutator of position and momentum operator is given by the equation below.
This equation is termed the canonical commutation relation. The commutator of the square of position and momentum is as follows.
Since the momentum operator p=iℏdxd is a differential operator, it commutes for different coordinates.
This can be summarized as follows.
Here, δkℓ is the Kronecker delta.
Let Dx be the differential operator.
And, we denote the derivative dxdf simply as follows.
Since the momentum operator is p=−iℏdxd=−iℏDx, the following is obtained.
Also, since [x,p]=−[p,x],
Due to the properties of commutators (4),
It can be computed as follows due to the properties of commutators.