
PLU Decomposition 📂Matrix Algebra

PLU Decomposition

Definition 1 2

For permutation matrices PTP^{T} and invertible matrices ARn×nA \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}, their matrix product PTAP^{T} A’s LU decomposition is referred to as the PLU Decomposition AA. Since PP is a permutation matrix, it’s an orthogonal matrix, i.e., P1=PTP^{-1} = P^{T}, and thus can be represented as follows. PTA=LU    A=PLU P^{T} A = LU \iff A = PLU


Algorithm of LU decomposition: Let’s assume (aij)Rn×n(a_{ij}) \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n} is an invertible matrix.

Step 1. k=1k = 1

Substitute u1j=a1ju_{1j} = a_{1j} and compute li1=1u11ai1\displaystyle l_{i1} = {{1} \over {u_{11}}} a_{i1}.

Step 2. k=2,3,,n1k = 2, 3, \cdots , n-1

  • Step 2-1. Compute the following. ukk=akks=1k1lksusk u_{kk} = a_{kk} - \sum_{s = 1}^{k-1} l_{ks} u_{sk}
  • Step 2-2. For j=k+1,k+2,,n1j = k+1 , k+2 , \cdots , n-1, compute the following. ukj=akjs=1k1lksusj u_{kj} = a_{kj} - \sum_{s = 1}^{k-1} l_{ks} u_{sj}
  • Step 2-3. For i=k+1,k+2,,n1i = k+1 , k+2 , \cdots , n-1, compute the following. lik=1ukk{aiks=1k1lisusk} l_{ik} = {{ 1 } \over {u_{kk} }} \left\{ a_{ik} - \sum_{s = 1}^{k-1} l_{is} u_{sk} \right\}

Step 3. For k=nk = n, compute the following. unn=anns=1n1lnsusn u_{nn} = a_{nn} - \sum_{s = 1}^{n-1} l_{ns} u_{sn}

To perform LU decomposition of a matrix as above, it is necessary to be able to take the inverse of either u11=a11u_{11} = a_{11} or ukku_{kk}. However, even A=[0321] A = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 3 \\ 2 & 1 \end{bmatrix} a matrix like this cannot be applied to the algorithm. Therefore, by multiplying some permutation matrix PTP^{T}, the AA is entirely expressed as PLUPLU, which is called PLU decomposition. Of course, whether it’s left or right, rows or columns doesn’t matter, so APT=LU    A=LUP A P^{T} = LU \iff A = LUP can be set, and it’s also fine to read it as LUP decomposition.