Curvilinear Coordinate System and the Del Operator
📂Mathematical PhysicsCurvilinear Coordinate System and the Del Operator
In any curvilinear coordinate system where the coordinates are (q1,q2,q3), the del operator is as follows.
Here, hi represents the scale factor.
The del operator is not a vector, but for convenience, it is represented as above.
Cartesian Coordinate System
In the Cartesian coordinate system, q1=x, q2=y, and q3=z are used, and the scale factor is h1=h2=h3=1.
Spherical Coordinate System
In the spherical coordinate system, q1=r, q2=θ, and q3=ϕ are used, and the scale factors are h1=1, h2=r, and h3=rsinθ.
Cylindrical Coordinate System
In the cylindrical coordinate system, q1=ρ, q2=ϕ, and q3=z are used, and the scale factors are h1=1, h2=ρ, and h3=1.