
Proof of the Density of Real Numbers 📂Analysis

Proof of the Density of Real Numbers


For two real numbers a<ba<b, there exists a rRr \in \mathbb{R} that satisfies a<r<ba<r<b.


In the real number space, no matter what interval you consider, there is always another real number in between. No matter how much you split it, there is a point that can be further divided. Although it seems obvious, keep in mind that this is not only non-obvious but also highly abstract. As an example, even the matter and energy dealt with in physics have their limits when split into smaller and smaller pieces.


Strategy: The proof is divided for rational and irrational numbers respectively. If there exist both a rational number and an irrational number between two real numbers, then the proof is complete. The phrase “without loss of generality” is mentioned because the positive numbers that appear in the proof can always be represented by the difference between real numbers, so there is no need to specifically consider numbers below 00. For example, even if the proof starts from two negative numbers c<d<0c < d < 0, as long as inequality holds, a positive number can be formed as in dc>0d - c > 0.

The necessary foundational premises are as follows:

Field Axioms:

  • (A1) Closure under addition: a+bRa+b \in \mathbb{R}
  • (A5) Additive inverse: There exists a (a)(-a) that satisfies a+(a)=(a)+a=0a + (-a) = (-a) + a = 0
  • (M1) Closure under multiplication: abRa\cdot b \in \mathbb{R}
  • (M5) Multiplicative inverse: There exists a a1{a^{-1}} that satisfies aa1=a1a=1a \cdot a^{-1} = a^{-1} \cdot a = 1
  • (D) Distributive law: a(b+c)=ab+aca \cdot (b + c) = a \cdot b + a \cdot c

Order Axioms:

  • Additivity: If a<ba<b and cRc\in \mathbb{R}, then a+c<b+ca+ c< b + c
  • Multiplicativity: If a<ba<b and c>0c>0, then ac<bcac< bc, or if c<0c<0, then ac>bcac> bc

Archimedean Principle: For a positive number aa and a real number bb, there exists a natural number nn that satisfies an>ban>b.

  • Part 1. Density of Rational Numbers 1

    Let’s show that there always exists a qQq \in \mathbb{Q} that satisfies a<q<ba<q<b. Without loss of generality, considering a positive number (ba)>0(b-a) > 0 and a real number 1R1 \in \mathbb{R} that satisfy 0<a<b0 < a < b, there exists a set of natural numbers {nN:(ba)n>1}\left\{ n \in \mathbb{N} : (b-a) n > 1 \right\} that satisfies the inequality of Archimedes’ principle, and by the existence of an additive inverse, closure, and distributive law, and additivity bnan>1    an+1<bn    an<an+1<bn bn-an > 1 \implies an + 1 < bn \implies an < an + 1 < bn is known. anan and bnbn have a difference greater than 11, so there is at least one integer between them, let’s denote it as mm, then an<m<bn an < m < bn If each side is multiplied by the multiplicative inverse of nn n1n^{-1}, we get the following: a<mn<b a < {{ m } \over { n }} < b Here, if we set q:=mn\displaystyle q := {{ m } \over { n }}, then qq is a ‘ratio of natural numbers’, a rational number, and we obtain the following inequality: a<q<b a < q < b

  • Part 2. Density of Irrational Numbers

    Let’s show that there always exists a ξQc\xi \in \mathbb{Q^{c}} that satisfies a<ξ<ba<\xi<b. Without loss of generality, considering real numbers and irrational numbers c>0c>0 that satisfy 0<a<b0 < a < b, if a<ba<b then ac<bcac<bc by multiplicativity. Since real numbers are closed under multiplication, acac and bcbc are also real numbers, and by the density of rational numbers, there exists a rational number q0q \ne 0 that satisfies ac<q<bcac<q<bc. If each side of ac<q<bcac<q<bc is multiplied by the multiplicative inverse of cc 1c\displaystyle {1 \over c}, it’s as follows:

    a<qc<b a<{q \over c}<b

    Here, if we set ξ:=qc\displaystyle \xi := {q \over c}, then ξ\xi is the product of a non-00 rational number and an irrational number, thus an irrational number, and we obtain the following inequality:

    a<ξ<b a<\xi<b