
Semi-Linear (Conjugate Linear) Functions 📂Functions

Semi-Linear (Conjugate Linear) Functions


Assuming that a function f:XCf : X \to \mathbb{C} is given. If the following equation holds for x,yXx,y\in X, a,bCa,b \in \mathbb{C}, then ff is called antilinear or conjugate linear.

f(ax+by)=af(x)+bf(y) f(ax + by)=\overline{a}f(x)+\overline{b}f(y)


Unlike linear functions, where the multiplied constant is the same inside and outside the function, it refers to a function in which the constant is the conjugate complex number inside and outside the function. If aRa \in \mathbb{R}, then because a=aa=\overline{a}, a function being real-valued and linear is the same as it being antilinear.