Proof of the LaSalle Invariance Principle
📂DynamicsProof of the LaSalle Invariance Principle
Let’s consider a vector field given by the following differential equation for space X and function f:X→X.
Let’s call the compact positively invariant set under the flow ϕt(⋅) as M⊂Rn.
When a Lyapunov function V:M→R is defined as in M, consider the following two sets.
The set M defined as follows for E is called the Positively Invariant Part.
M:={The union of all trajectories that start in E and remain in E for all t>0}
Lasalle Invariance Principle
For all x∈M, when t→∞ then it is ϕt(x)→M.
Strategy: Mainly uses the definition of Lyapunov function and properties of omega limit sets.
Definition of Lyapunov function: Let’s consider a vector field given by the following differential equation for space X and function f:X→X.
Given a point x0∈X in such an autonomous system, a scalar function V∈C1(N(x0),R) defined in the neighborhood N(x0) of x0 is called a Liapunov Function if it satisfies the following conditions:
- (i): If V(x0)=0 and x=x0, then V(x)>0
- (ii): In x∈N(x0)∖{x0}, it is V′(x)≤0
Properties of Omega Limit Sets: Assuming the whole space is the Euclidean space X=Rn and given a point p∈M of the compact positively invariant set M under the flow ϕt(⋅):
- [1]: ω(p)=∅
- [2]: ω(p) is a closed set.
- [3]: ω(p) is invariant under the flow. In other words, ω(p) is a union of orbits.
- [4]: ω(p) is a connected space.
First, let’s show that in the omega limit set ω(x), V becomes a constant function V=χ.
If we assume that, then V does not increase according to the flow ϕt. In other words, for ti≤t≤ti+1,
it is, and due to the continuity of Lyapunov function V, χ becomes the greatest lower bound, namely the infimum, of {V(ϕt(x)):t≥0}. Since the omega limit set ω(x) is invariant under the flow, ϕt(x) also becomes an omega limit point of ϕt(x). Since χ was the infimum of {V(ϕt(x)):t≥0} as mentioned above,
χ is constant, so in ω(x), it is V’=0, and according to the definition of E, it is ω(x)⊂E. Meanwhile, since ω(x) is an invariant set and according to the definition of M, it is also ω(x)⊂M. Thus, when t→∞, it is ϕt(x)→M.