
Frequently Used Symbols and Abbreviations in Mathematics 📂Writing

Frequently Used Symbols and Abbreviations in Mathematics

for all, exist, such that


For every $\varepsilon \gt 0$, there is an integer N such that $n \ge N$ implies that $d(p_{n},p)<\varepsilon$.

Every positive real number $\varepsilon$, there exists an integer $N$ such that whenever $n$ is greater than some integer $N$, $d(p_{n},p) \lt \varepsilon$ holds.

$$ \forall \varepsilon \gt 0, \exists N \in \mathbb{N}\quad \text{s.t. } n\ge N \implies d(p_{n},p) \lt \varepsilon $$


  1. $\forall$

    It means ‘for all’ or ‘for every’, and it is interpreted as ‘for every ~’. Therefore, expressions like ‘for $\forall$’ or ‘$\forall$ all’ are incorrect. The $\LaTeX$ syntax is \forall.

  2. $\exists$, $\exists !$, $\nexists$

    It implies ’exist’ and is interpreted as ’there exists’. Adding an exclamation mark means ’there exists uniquely’. The $\LaTeX$ syntax for it is \exists. $\nexists$ stands for ‘does not exist’ and its $\LaTeX$ syntax is \nexists.

  3. $\text{s.t.}$

    It’s an abbreviation for ‘such that’ and translated into ‘such’, ’like that’, ‘as follows’. It is not specifically implemented in $\LaTeX$, but if you want to use it, you can type \text{s.t.}.


An abbreviation for the Latin ‘Quod Erat Demonstrandum(QED)’. Literally it translates to ‘what was to be demonstrated’, and figuratively it means ’end of proof’. Often textbooks mark this with a □ or ■. At the fresh shrimp sushi restaurant, ■ is used to denote the end of a section, including proofs.

  1. Walter Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis (3rd Edition, 1976), p47 ↩︎