
Sum and Difference Formulas and Multiplication Formulas for Hyperbolic Functions 📂Functions

Sum and Difference Formulas and Multiplication Formulas for Hyperbolic Functions


  • Sum and Difference Formulas:

sinhx+sinhy= 2sinh(x+y2)cosh(xy2)sinhxsinhy= 2sinh(xy2)cosh(x+y2)coshx+coshy= 2cosh(x+y2)cosh(xy2)coshxcoshy= 2sinh(x+y2)sinh(xy2) \begin{align} \sinh x +\sinh y =&\ 2\sinh \left(\frac{x+y}{2}\right) \cosh \left(\frac{x-y}{2}\right) \\[1em] \sinh x -\sinh y =&\ 2\sinh \left(\frac{x-y}{2}\right) \cosh \left( \frac{x+y}{2} \right) \\[1em] \cosh x + \cosh y =&\ 2 \cosh \left(\frac{x+y}{2}\right) \cosh \left(\frac{x-y}{2}\right) \\[1em] \cosh x -\cosh y =&\ 2 \sinh \left( \frac{x+y}{2} \right) \sinh \left(\frac{x-y}{2}\right) \end{align}

  • Product Formulas:

sinhxsinhy= cosh(x+y)cosh(xy)2sinhxcoshy= sinh(x+y)+sinh(xy)2coshxsinhy= sinh(x+y)sinh(xy)2coshxcoshy= cosh(x+y)+cosh(xy)2 \begin{align} \sinh x \sinh y =&\ \frac{\cosh (x+y)-\cosh (x-y)}{2} \\ \sinh x \cosh y =&\ \frac{\sinh (x+y)+\sinh (x-y)}{2} \\ \cosh x \sinh y =&\ \frac{\sinh (x+y)-\sinh (x-y)}{2} \\ \cosh x \cosh y =&\ \frac{\cosh (x+y)+\cosh (x-y)}{2} \end{align}


The proof process is the same as the one used to derive the sum and difference formulas of trigonometric functions, so it will not be introduced in detail.


Proof of (1)(4)(1)-(4)

According to the addition theorem,

sinh(x+y)= sinhxcoshy+sinhycoshxsinh(xy)= sinhxcoshysinhycoshx \begin{align*} \sinh (x + y) =&\ \sinh x \cosh y + \sinh y \cosh x \\ \sinh (x - y) =&\ \sinh x \cosh y - \sinh y \cosh x \end{align*}

If we substitute x=z+w2x=\frac{z+w}{2} and y=zw2y=\frac{z-w}{2}, the above equation becomes

sinhz= sinhz+w2coshzw2+sinhzw2coshz+w2sinhw= sinhz+w2coshzw2sinhzw2coshz+w2 \begin{align*} \sinh z =&\ \sinh \frac{z+w}{2} \cosh \frac{z-w}{2} + \sinh \frac{z-w}{2} \cosh \frac{z+w}{2} \\ \sinh w =&\ \sinh \frac{z+w}{2} \cosh \frac{z-w}{2} - \sinh \frac{z-w}{2} \cosh \frac{z+w}{2} \end{align*}

If we add and subtract the above equation, we get the following, respectively.

sinhz+sinhw= 2sinhz+w2coshzw2sinhzsinhw= 2sinhzw2coshz+w2 \begin{align*} \sinh z+\sinh w =&\ 2\sinh \frac{z+w}{2} \cosh \frac{z-w}{2} \\ \sinh z -\sinh w =&\ 2\sinh \frac{z-w}{2} \cosh \frac{z+w}{2} \end{align*}

The rest can be obtained in the same way.

Proof of (5)(8)(5)-(8)

According to the addition theorem,

cosh(x+y)= coshxcoshy+sinhxsinhycosh(xy)= coshxcoshysinhxsinhy \begin{align*} \cosh (x + y) =&\ \cosh x \cosh y + \sinh x \sinh y \\ \cosh (x - y) =&\ \cosh x \cosh y - \sinh x \sinh y \end{align*}

Subtracting the below equation from the above,

cosh(x+y)cosh(xy)= 2sinhxsinhy    sinhxsinhy= sinh(x+y)+sinh(xy)2 \begin{align*} &&\cosh (x+y)-\cosh (x-y)=&\ 2\sinh x \sinh y \\ \implies && \sinh x \sinh y =&\ \frac{\sinh (x+y)+\sinh (x-y)}{2} \end{align*}

The rest can be obtained in the same way.