Classification of Fixed Points in Autonomous Systems📂Dynamics
Classification of Fixed Points in Autonomous Systems
Given a space X and a function f∈C1(X,X), consider the following vector field given as a differential equation:
Let x be a fixed point of this autonomous system and the eigenvalues of Df(x) be described as λ1,⋯,λm.
Hyperbolic: If the real parts of all eigenvalues of Df(x) are not 0, then x is said to be hyperbolic.
Saddle: If x is hyperbolic and Df(x) has at least one eigenvalue with a positive real part and one with a negative real part, then x is called a saddle.
Sink : If the real parts of all eigenvalues of Df(x) are negative, then x is said to be stable and called a sink.
Source : If the real parts of all eigenvalues of Df(x) are positive, then x is said to be unstable and called a source.
Elliptic, Center : If all eigenvalues of Df(x) are purely imaginary, then x is said to be elliptic and called a center.
Re and Im are functions that extract only the real and imaginary parts, respectively, from complex numbers.
Although not explicitly stated in the definition, the distinction between hyperbolic and non-hyperbolic can be roughly equated with the simplicity of the system. In analyzing systems dynamically, the primary issue often arises when an eigenvalue is 0; being hyperbolic means one does not have to worry about such nuisances, simplifying the analysis.
Consider the Duffing oscillator as an example:
The fixed points of the Duffing oscillator are (x,y)=(0,0),(±1,0) and its Jacobian is:
Thus, the Jacobian at the fixed points is:
Calculating the eigenvalues yields, when (0,0):
According to the quadratic formula:
The eigenvalues of Df(0,0) always include a positive and a negative number, thus the fixed point (0,0) is a saddle. Similarly, calculating the eigenvalues for Df(±1,0) yields:
Therefore, the eigenvalues of Df(±1,0) are all negative when δ>0, and the fixed point (±1,0) is a sink. However, when δ=0, the eigenvalues are purely imaginary λ1,2=±2i, making the fixed point (±1,0) a center.
In the above example, we determined the Jacobian at each fixed point and examined how stability changes based on the settings of the parameter δ. Such analysis, if the system is represented by a vector field, is a common approach used in any paper on dynamics. At least once, be sure to try it yourself.
Wiggins. (2003). Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos Second Edition(2nd Edition): p12. ↩︎
Wiggins. (2003). Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos Second Edition(2nd Edition): p12. ↩︎