
Proof that Continuous Functions on Compact Metric Spaces are Uniformly Continuous 📂MetricSpace

Proof that Continuous Functions on Compact Metric Spaces are Uniformly Continuous


Let (X,dX)(X,d_{X}) be a compact metric space, (Y,dY)(Y,d_{Y}) a metric space, and f:XYf:X\to Y continuous. Then, ff is uniformly continuous on XX.


The condition of being compact cannot be omitted.


Suppose we are given any positive number ε>0\varepsilon >0. Since ff is assumed to be continuous, by definition, for each point pXp\in X, there exists a positive number δp\delta_{p} satisfying the following equation:

qX,dX(p,q)<δp    dY(f(p),f(q))<ε2 \forall q\in X,\quad d_{X}(p,q)<\delta_{p} \implies d_{Y}(f(p),f(q))<\frac{\varepsilon}{2}

Now consider the following set:

Np:={q:dX(p,q)<12δp} N_{p}:= \left\{ q : d_{X}(p,q)<\frac{1}{2}\delta_{p} \right\}

Since pNpp \in N_{p}, the collection of all NpN_{p} becomes an open cover of XX. Since XX is assumed to be compact, there exists p1,,pnp_{1},\cdots,p_{n} satisfying the following equation:

XNp1Npn \begin{equation} X \subset N_{p_{1}}\cup \cdots \cup N_{p_{n}} \tag{2} \label{eq1} \end{equation}

Let us now set δ=12min(δp1,,δpn)\delta=\frac{1}{2} \min (\delta_{p_{1}},\cdots,\delta_{p_{n}}). Then, δ\delta is clearly positive. Now consider two points p,qXp,q \in X satisfying dX(p,q)<δd_{X}(p,q)<\delta. Then, by (eq1)\eqref{eq1}, there exists m(1mn)m(1\le m \le n) satisfying pNpmp \in N_{p_{m}}. Therefore, the following holds:

dX(p,pm)12δpm d_{X}(p,p_{m}) \le \frac{1}{2}\delta_{p_{m}}

Then, the following equation holds:

dX(q,pm)dX(q,p)+dX(p,pm)<δ+12δpmδpm d_{X}(q,p_{m}) \le d_{X}(q,p) + d_{X}(p,p_{m}) < \delta + \frac{1}{2}\delta_{p_{m}} \le \delta _{p_{m}}


dX(p,q)<δ    dY(f(p),f(q))dY(f(p),f(pm))+dY(f(pm),f(q))<12ε+12ε=ε d_{X}(p,q)<\delta \implies d_{Y}(f(p),f(q))\le d_{Y}(f(p),f(p_{m})) + d_{Y}(f(p_{m}),f(q))<\frac{1}{2}\varepsilon+\frac{1}{2}\varepsilon=\varepsilon

Thus, ff is uniformly continuous.