The inverse of a continuous bijection on a compact metric space is continuous.
Let be a compact metric space, and let be a metric space. Assume that is a bijective continuous function. Then, the inverse of , defined as follows, is bijective and continuous.
The compactness condition is essential
Equivalent conditions for continuity in metric spaces
For two metric spaces and , let . Then, the following two propositions are equivalent:
is continuous in .
For every open set of , is an open set in .
Applying the equivalence condition for continuity in metric spaces in reverse to , the continuity of is equivalent to, for every open set of , being an open set in . Therefore, the proof unfolds in this direction. First, select an arbitrary open set in . Then, is a closed set in . Since the closed subset of a compact set is compact, is compact.
Let be a compact metric space, and a metric space, and suppose is continuous. Then, is compact.
Thus, by the lemma, is compact. Since a compact subset in a metric space is a closed set, is closed. Assuming that is bijective, and therefore is an open set as it is the complement of a closed set.