
Closure and Derived Set in Metric Space 📂MetricSpace

Closure and Derived Set in Metric Space


Let’s say (X,d)(X,d) is a metric space. Suppose pXp \in X and EXE \subset X.

  • A set that contains all qq satisfying d(q,p)<rd(q,p)<r is defined as the neighborhood of point pp, denoted by Nr(p)N_{r}(p). In this case, rr is called the radius of Nr(p)N_{r}(p). If it’s permissible to omit the distance, it can also be denoted as NpN_{p}.

  • If every neighborhood of pp includes a qq that is qpq\ne p and qEq\in E, then pp is called a limit point of EE.

  • If all limit points of EE are included in EE, then EE is said to be closed.

  • If there exists a neighborhood NN satisfying NEN\subset E for pp, then pp is called an interior point of EE.

  • If every point of EE is an interior point of EE, then EE is said to be open.

  • The set of all limit points of EE is called the derived set of EE, denoted by EE^{\prime}.

  • The union of EE and EE^{\prime} is called the closure, denoted by E=EE\overline{E}=E\cup E^{\prime}.

Theorem 1

For A,BXA,B\subset X, the following equations hold:

(1a) AB    ABA\subset B \implies A^{\prime} \subset B^{\prime}

(1b) (AB)=AB(A\cup B)^{\prime}=A^{\prime}\cup B^{\prime}

(1c) (AB)AB(A \cap B)^{\prime} \subset A^{\prime}\cap B^{\prime}



Assume ABA\subset B. And let pAp\in A^{\prime}. Then pp is a limit point of AA, so by the definition of a limit point, every neighborhood NN of pp includes a qq that is qpq\ne p and qAq\in A. Assuming ABA\subset B, the statement means that every neighborhood NN of pp includes a qq that is qpq\ne p and qBq\in B. Therefore, by the definition of a limit point, pBp \in B^{\prime} is established.


  • part 1. AB(AB)A^{\prime} \cup B^{\prime} \subset (A\cup B)^{\prime}

    Since AABA\subset A\cup B and BABB \subset A\cup B, by (a1)(a1), it follows that:

    A(AB)andB(AB) A^{\prime} \subset (A\cup B)^{\prime} \quad \text{and} \quad B^{\prime} \subset (A \cup B)^{\prime}


    AB(AB) A^{\prime} \cup B^{\prime} \subset (A\cup B)^{\prime}

  • part 2. (AB)AB(A\cup B)^{\prime} \subset A^{\prime}\cup B^{\prime}

    Let’s say p(AB)p \in (A\cup B)^{\prime}. Then, by the definition of a limit point, every neighborhood NN of pp includes a qq that is qpq\ne p and qABq\in A\cup B. Rewriting qABq\in A\cup B as qA or qBq\in A \text{ or } q\in B means pA or pBp \in A^{\prime} \text{ or } p\in B^{\prime}. Therefore, pABp\in A^{\prime}\cup B^{\prime}, so it follows that:

    (AB)AB (A\cup B)^{\prime} \subset A^{\prime}\cup B^{\prime}

  • part 3.

    Combining the above results yields:

    AB=(AB) A^{\prime}\cup B^{\prime} = (A\cup B)^{\prime}


Since ABAA\cap B \subset A and ABBA\cap B \subset B, by (1a), it follows that:

(AB)Aand(AB)B (A\cap B)^{\prime} \subset A^{\prime} \quad \text{and} \quad (A\cap B)^{\prime} \subset B^{\prime}


(AB)AB (A\cap B)^{\prime} \subset A^{\prime}\cap B^{\prime}

Theorem 2

For A,BXA,B \subset X, the following equations hold:

(2a) AB    ABA\subset B \implies \overline{A} \subset \overline{B}

(2b) AB=AB\overline{A\cup B} = \overline{A}\cup \overline{B}

(2c) ABAB\overline{A\cap B} \subset \overline{A}\cap \overline{B}



Assuming ABA \subset B, by (1a), ABA^{\prime} \subset B^{\prime} is established. Therefore,

A=AABB=B \overline{A} = A\cup A^{\prime} \subset B \cup B^{\prime} = \overline{B}


  • part 1. ABAB\overline{A\cup B}\subset \overline{A}\cup \overline{B}

    Let’s say pABp \in \overline{A\cup B}. This means pABp\in A\cup B or p(AB)p \in (A\cup B)^{\prime}.

    • case 1-1. pABp \in A\cup B

      In this case, pAp \in A or pBp \in B. But since AAA \subset \overline{A} and BBB \subset \overline{B},

      pA or pB    pAB p\in \overline{A}\ \text{or} \ p \in \overline{B}\implies p \in \overline{A}\cup \overline{B}

    • case 1-2. p(AB)p\in (A\cup B)^{\prime}

      By (1b), p(AB)=ABp\in (A\cup B)^{\prime}=A^{\prime}\cup B^{\prime} is established. This means pAp\in A^{\prime} or pBp\in B^{\prime}. But since AAA^{\prime} \subset \overline{A} and BBB^{\prime} \subset \overline{B}, similarly to the previous case,

      pA or pB    pAB p\in \overline{A}\ \text{or} \ p \in \overline{B}\implies p \in \overline{A}\cup\overline{B}

    By case 1-1, 1-2, the following is established:

    ABAB \overline{A\cup B}\subset \overline{A}\cup \overline{B}

  • part 2. ABAB\overline{A}\cup \overline{B} \subset \overline{A\cup B}

    Since AABA \subset A\cup B and BABB\subset A\cup B, by (b1)(b1), the following is established:

    AABandBAB \overline{A} \subset \overline{A\cup B}\quad \text{and} \quad \overline{B}\subset \overline{A\cup B}


    ABAB \overline{A}\cup \overline{B} \subset \overline{A\cup B}


Let’s say pABp \in \overline{A\cap B}. Then, pABp\in A\cap B or p(AB)p\in (A \cap B)^{\prime}.

  • case 1. pABp\in A\cap B

    In this case, pAp \in A while pBp \in B. But since AAA\subset \overline{A} and BBB\subset \overline{B},

    pA and  pB    pA and pB    pAB p\in A \ \text{and} \ \ p \in B \implies p\in \overline{A} \ \text{and} \ p \in \overline{B} \implies p\in \overline{A}\cap \overline{B}

  • case 2. p(AB)p \in (A\cap B)^{\prime}

    By (1a), (AB)A(A\cap B)^{\prime}\subset A^{\prime} and (AB)B(A\cap B)^{\prime} \subset B^{\prime} are established. But since AAA^{\prime}\subset \overline{A} and BBB^{\prime} \subset \overline{B},

    pA and pB    pAandpB    pAB p\in A^{\prime} \ \text{and} \ p\in B^{\prime} \implies p\in \overline{A}\quad \text{and} \quad p\in \overline{B}\implies p\in \overline{A}\cap \overline{B}

Theorem 3

For metric spaces (X,d)(X,d) and EXE \subset X, the following facts hold:

(3a) E\overline{E} is closed.

(3b) E=EE=\overline{E} being equivalent to EE being closed.

(3c) For a closed set FXF\subset X satisfying EFE\subset F, EF\overline{E} \subset F holds.

(3a) and (3c) imply that E\overline{E} is the smallest closed subset of XX that includes EE.



Let’s say pXp \in X and pEp \notin \overline{E}. In other words, p(E)cp \in (\overline{E})^{c}. Then pp is neither a point of EE nor of EE^{\prime}. Therefore, by the definition of an accumulation point, pp has at least one neighborhood NN where NE=N\cap E=\varnothing is true. Therefore, since N(E)cN\subset (\overline{E})^{c} and pp was any point of (E)c(\overline{E})^{c}, by the definition of an interior point, every point of (E)c(\overline{E})^{c} is an interior point, which means (E)c(\overline{E})^{c} is an open set. Since (E)c(\overline{E})^{c} is an open set, E\overline{E} is a closed set.1


  • (    )(\implies)

    Since E=E=EEE=\overline{E}=E \cup E^{\prime}, all accumulation points of EE are elements of EE. This is the definition of a closed set, so EE is closed. Or it can be immediately understood from the definitions of closure and being closed.

  • (    )(\impliedby)

    By the definition of a closed set, all accumulation points of EE are included in EE. Therefore, E=EE=E\overline{E}=E\cup E^{\prime}=E


Let FF be a closed set with EFXE\subset F \subset X. Then, by (3b), FF=FF^{\prime} \subset \overline{F}=F is true. Also, by (2a), EFFE^{\prime} \subset F^{\prime} \subset F is true. Therefore, the following holds:

EFandEF E \subset F \quad \text{and} \quad E^{\prime}\subset F


EE=EF E\cup E^{\prime} =\overline{E} \subset F

Theorem 4

Let EE be a non-empty set of real numbers and suppose it is bounded above. Let y=supEy=\sup E. Then, yEy \in \overline{E} is true. Moreover, if EE is closed, then yEy \in E is true.


If yEy \in \overline{E} holds, then the subsequent propositions are trivial by (3a), so we will only prove yEy \in \overline{E}. The proof is divided into two cases.

  • case 1. yEy \in E

    yEE y \in E \subset \overline{E}

    Therefore, it holds.

  • case 2. yEy \notin E

    Then, for every positive number h>0h>0, there exists xEx\in E satisfying yh<x<yy-h<x<y. This means that every neighborhood of yy, which is Nh(y)N_{h}(y), must contain an element of EE. Therefore, by definition, yy is an accumulation point of EE. Thus, yEE=Ey\in E\cup E^{\prime}=\overline{E}

  1. Refer to Theorem 2 ↩︎