
Difference between Abbreviation and Acronym 📂Writing

Difference between Abbreviation and Acronym


The act of shortening long English words or sentences into succinct forms is referred to as abbreviation or acronym. An abbreviation is a reduced form of a word or phrase by omitting some of its letters, and it is translated to Korean as 약어 or 축약어. In the case of abbreviations, a period (.) is placed to indicate the omission of letters.

  • Doctor DoctorDr.\textbf{D}\text{octo}\textbf{r} \mapsto \text{Dr.}
  • For example exempli gratiae.g.\textbf{e}\text{xempli }\textbf{g}\text{ratia} \mapsto \text{e.g.}
  • In other words iestid.\textbf{i}\text{d }\textbf{e}\text{st} \mapsto \text{id.}
  • Among others et aliaet al.\textbf{et }\textbf{al}\text{ia} \mapsto \text{et al.}

Similarly, acronyms are created by taking parts of words to form a shortened version, typically using the initial letters of the words. Thus, acronyms can be seen as a subset of abbreviations. Although acronyms can also be marked with periods, it is generally not the common practice.

{acronyms}{abbreviations} \left\{ \text{acronyms} \right\} \subset \left\{ \text{abbreviations} \right\}

  • Artificial Intelligence Atificial IntelligenceAI\textbf{A}\text{tificial }\textbf{I}\text{ntelligence} \mapsto \text{AI}
  • Greatest Common Divisor Greatest Common DivisorGCD\textbf{G}\text{reatest }\textbf{C}\text{ommon }\textbf{D}\text{ivisor} \mapsto \text{GCD}
  • Left-hand side Left Hand SideLHS\textbf{L}\text{eft }\textbf{H}\text{and }\textbf{S}\text{ide} \mapsto \text{LHS}
  • pH (Hydrogen ion concentration) potential of HydrogenpH\textbf{p}\text{otential of }\textbf{H}\text{ydrogen} \mapsto \text{pH}
  • Computed Tomography Computed TomographyCT\textbf{C}\text{omputed }\textbf{T}\text{omography} \mapsto \text{CT}
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetic Resonance ImagingMRI\textbf{M}\text{agnetic }\textbf{R}\text{esonance }\textbf{I}\text{maging} \mapsto \text{MRI}