Magnetic Fields Produced by Magnetic Dipoles
📂ElectrodynamicsMagnetic Fields Produced by Magnetic Dipoles

The vector potential due to a magnetic dipole m is as given in magnetic dipole moment.
Now, let m be located at the origin and parallel to the z axis, as shown in the figure above. Since the magnetic field is the curl of the vector potential, in spherical coordinates, it is as follows.
Calculating each component gives the following. Since the Adip component has only Aϕ,
Therefore, the magnetic field created by the magnetic dipole is as follows.
Interestingly, it is exactly the same formula as the electric field created by an electric dipole.
The formula above can be changed to be independent of the coordinate system as follows.
First, if we express the unit vectors of spherical coordinates in Cartesian coordinates, it is as follows.
r^=θ^= cosϕsinθx^+sinϕsinθy^+cosθz^ cosϕcosθx^+sinϕcosθy^−sinθz^
Therefore, calculating the expression inside the brackets of (1) gives the following.
====2cosθr^+sinθθ^ 2cosϕsinθcosθx^+2sinϕsinθcosθy^+2cos2θz^+cosϕsinθcosθx^+sinϕcosθsinθy^−sin2θz^ 3cosϕsinθcosθx^+3sinϕsinθcosθy^+3cos2θz^−(sin2θ+cos2θ)z^ 3cosθ(cosϕsinθx^+sinϕsinθy^+cosθz^)−z^ 3(m^⋅r^)r^−z^
The last equality holds because of cosθ=m^⋅r^. Now, the following result is obtained.