
Fleury's Algorithm Proof 📂Graph Theory

Fleury's Algorithm Proof

Definition 1

Let GG be an Euler graph. Then, an Euler trail can be made in the following way.

Start from an arbitrary vertex uu and follow these two rules to make the trail:

  • (i): Already passed edges are removed. If removing an edge results in an isolated vertex, that vertex is also removed.
  • (ii): At each step, bridges are only crossed if there are no other alternatives.

  • If removing an edge bGb \in G results in the graph being disconnected, then bb is called a bridge.


The existence of an Euler trail in an Euler graph is guaranteed by its definition, but it does not specify what the Euler trail looks like. The Fleury’s algorithm provides a way to construct an Euler trail from a given Euler graph.


Euler graph equivalence condition: Let GG be a connected graph.

It is equivalent to say that GG is an Euler graph and all vertices of GG have an even degree.

If the trail goes out from uu and enters vertex vv, that edge is removed. If v=uv = u, then loop until vuv \ne u. If vuv \ne u, then the removed subgraph HH is still a connected graph, and only the vertices uu and vv have odd degrees. Therefore, it must be shown that upon repeating this removal, HH is still a connected graph. If it were assumed that for some vertex ww, HvwH - vw is not a connected graph, it would mean that there exists some component KK that includes ww but not uu. Since the vertex ww in KK has an odd degree, KK must have another vertex with an odd degree. However, this is a contradiction, so we can guarantee that HvwH - vw is a connected graph. In other words, no matter how many times this removal is repeated, it remains a connected graph. According to rule (ii), at any step, a bridge can only be removed at the end, hence the end of the trail must be uu.

  1. Wilson. (1970). Introduction to Graph Theory: p33. ↩︎