
Fleury's Algorithm Proof 📂Graph Theory

Fleury's Algorithm Proof

Definition 1

Let $G$ be an Euler graph. Then, an Euler trail can be made in the following way.

Start from an arbitrary vertex $u$ and follow these two rules to make the trail:

  • (i): Already passed edges are removed. If removing an edge results in an isolated vertex, that vertex is also removed.
  • (ii): At each step, bridges are only crossed if there are no other alternatives.

  • If removing an edge $b \in G$ results in the graph being disconnected, then $b$ is called a bridge.


The existence of an Euler trail in an Euler graph is guaranteed by its definition, but it does not specify what the Euler trail looks like. The Fleury’s algorithm provides a way to construct an Euler trail from a given Euler graph.


Euler graph equivalence condition: Let $G$ be a connected graph.

It is equivalent to say that $G$ is an Euler graph and all vertices of $G$ have an even degree.

If the trail goes out from $u$ and enters vertex $v$, that edge is removed. If $v = u$, then loop until $v \ne u$. If $v \ne u$, then the removed subgraph $H$ is still a connected graph, and only the vertices $u$ and $v$ have odd degrees. Therefore, it must be shown that upon repeating this removal, $H$ is still a connected graph. If it were assumed that for some vertex $w$, $H - vw$ is not a connected graph, it would mean that there exists some component $K$ that includes $w$ but not $u$. Since the vertex $w$ in $K$ has an odd degree, $K$ must have another vertex with an odd degree. However, this is a contradiction, so we can guarantee that $H - vw$ is a connected graph. In other words, no matter how many times this removal is repeated, it remains a connected graph. According to rule (ii), at any step, a bridge can only be removed at the end, hence the end of the trail must be $u$.

  1. Wilson. (1970). Introduction to Graph Theory: p33. ↩︎