
Distance, Neighborhood, Diameter, Perimeter in a Graph 📂Graph Theory

Distance, Neighborhood, Diameter, Perimeter in a Graph


In the graph GG, the set of paths whose origin is vV(G)v \in V(G) and destination is wV(G)w \in V(G) is represented as P(v,w)P(v,w), and let’s denote the set of cycles that include vV(G)v \in V(G) as C(v)C(v). Also, let’s present the length of a walk xx as l(x)l(x).

  1. The distance dd between two vertices v,wV(G)v,w \in V(G) is defined as the smallest value among the lengths of paths where vv is the origin and ww is the destination. In other words, d(v,w):=minv,wV(G){l(x):xP(v,w)} d(v,w) := \min_{v,w \in V(G)} \left\{ l(x) : x \in P(v,w) \right\}
  2. The set of vertices Ni(v)V(G)N^{i} (v) \subset V(G) whose distance from vertex vV(G)v \in V(G) is exactly ii is called a ii-neighborhood.
  3. The diameter diam\text{diam} of graph GG is defined as the largest distance among all pairs of vertices. In other words, diam(G):=supv,wV(G){d(v,w):vw} \text{diam} (G) := \sup_{v,w \in V(G)} \left\{ d(v,w) : v \ne w \right\}
  4. The girth girth\text{girth} of graph GG is defined as the smallest length among all cycles. In other words, girth(G):=minvV(G){l(x):xC(v)} \text{girth}(G) := \min_{v \in V(G)} \left\{ l(x) : x \in C(v) \right\}


The distance between vertices in a graph is also called a Geodesic Distance. This naming is considered valid because, unlike the Euclidean distance, it represents the actual number of steps taken to reach from one vertex to another. For instance, in the following graph, d(v,w)d(v,w) cannot be less than 22 in any case, and equals d(v,w)=2d(v,w) = 2.


The definition of diameter might seem odd at first glance. By analogy, consider a circle x2+y2=r2x^2 + y^2 = r^2. When any two points on the circle are chosen, the furthest distance between them occurs when the points are symmetrically positioned across the center of the circle. Obviously, this distance is 2r2r, which is what we refer to as the diameter of the circle. For instance, the diameter of the graph above is 22.

Girth, conceptually, refers to the size of the smallest cycle in a graph. Though not explicitly mentioned, if a graph does not contain any cycles, its girth is considered to be infinite. Also, it’s self-evident that the minimum value of girth in any graph cannot be less than 33. For example, as shown in the diagram below, even though there are several cycles, the length of the smallest cycle is 33, so the girth is 33.
