
Graph Theory: Degree 📂Graph Theory

Graph Theory: Degree

Definition 1

Let’s assume a directed graph GG is given.

If an edge vwvw exists, we say that the edge leaves from vv and enters into ww.

  • The number of edges entering vertex vv is called the Indegree and is denoted as deg(v)\deg^{-} (v).
  • The number of edges leaving vertex vv is called the Outdegree and is denoted as deg+(v)\deg^{+}(v).
  • A vertex that is deg(v)=0\deg^{-} (v) = 0 is called a Source, and a vertex that is deg+(v)=0\deg^{+} (v) = 0 is called a Sink. A point that is neither a Source nor a Sink is called Internal.

If an edge vwvw exists, we say that vertex v,wv,w is incident to edge vwvw.

  • The number of edges incident to vertex vv is called the Degree and is denoted as deg(v)\deg (v).
  • A vertex with a degree of 00 is called an Isolated Vertex.
  • A vertex with a degree of 11 is called an End Vertex.

The maximum degree of graph GG is denoted as Δ(G)\Delta (G), and the minimum degree is denoted as δ(G)\delta (G).


Incidentally, the term “being incident” is not exactly a good euphemism. When two vertices v,wv,w are connected by edge ee, vv and ww are said to be Adjacent, and the term “being incident” is used to describe v,wv,w that is attached to edge ee. Originally, the adjective Incident has meanings such as accompanying or following.

The concept of degree has attracted a lot of interest for a long time in graph theory because it’s an easily conceivable ’number’, especially in pure mathematics where simple graphs are often handled, leading to extensive research on degrees.

Directed Graph

For example, in the following graph, red represents the indegree and blue represents the outdegree. Naturally, the sum of the indegree and outdegree is the same.


Here, a vertex with an indegree of 00 is called a source. The name source makes sense because it only leaves without entering, similar to sinks and sources in dynamical systems.


For example, in the next graph, one can calculate the degree of each vertex. Let’s verify that the degree is the sum of the indegree and outdegree when the directed graph is represented as just a simple graph. [ NOTE: A graph with the directions removed like this is called the Underlying Graph of the original directed graph. ]

20200130\_151653.png In the following graph, vertices CC and FF are End Vertices, and HH is an Isolated Vertex.


Note that in applied mathematics, if only HH is absent, that is, if the network is fully connected, such a node as DD is called a Hub. Hubs typically describe elements that have a significant impact on the entire network or can mediate all communications.

Regular Graph

Especially, a graph where every vertex has the same degree, denoted as δ(G)=Δ(G)\delta (G) = \Delta (G), is called a Regular Graph.

  1. Wilson. (1970). Introduction to Graph Theory: p12. ↩︎