
Graph Isomorphism 📂Graph Theory

Graph Isomorphism

Definition 1

Let two graphs G1G_{1} and G2G_{2} be given. If there exists a bijective function between V(G1)V(G_{1}) and V(G2)V(G_{2}), and the number of edges between vertices of G1G_{1} matches with the corresponding vertices of G2G_{2}, then this bijective function is called an isomorphism, and the two graphs are said to be isomorphic. In other words, a bijective function ϕ:G1G2\phi : G_{1} \to G_{2} satisfying the following is called an isomorphism: u1v    ϕ(u)2ϕ(v) u \sim_{1} v \iff \phi (u) \sim_{2} \phi (v)


For instance, consider the following two graphs: 20200128\_142425.png 20200128\_142548.png

Strictly speaking, these two graphs are not the same. Of course, the appearance of a graph is not important when distinguishing them. However, aside from that, they differ because their sets of vertices and edges are distinctly different. However, if a one-to-one correspondence like the following is provided, then the two graphs can essentially be considered the same: AxByCzDuEvFw A \to x \\ B \to y \\ C \to z \\ D \to u \\ E \to v \\ F \to w

See Also

  1. Wilson. (1970). Introduction to Graph Theory: p9. ↩︎