
Completely Bounded Space 📂Topology

Completely Bounded Space

Definition 1

Given a metric space $(X,d)$ and $\varepsilon>0$,

  1. A finite set $A_{\varepsilon} \subset X$ that satisfies $B_{d}(x,\varepsilon) \cap A_{\varepsilon} \ne \emptyset$ for all $x \in X$ is called a $\varepsilon$-net for $X$.
  2. If for all $\varepsilon > 0$, there exists a $\varepsilon$-net $A_{\varepsilon}$ for $X$, then $X$ is said to be Totally Bounded.


Totally bounded spaces are often also called precompact spaces.


Calling $A_{\varepsilon}$ a net is quite intuitive when considering the condition $B_{d}(x,\varepsilon) \cap A_{\varepsilon} \ne \emptyset$. If you translate the formula into words, it means, for the given space $X$, any point you pick is caught in $A_{\varepsilon}$. If every point is caught within the allowed error $\varepsilon$, it makes sense to call this a net.

Totally Bounded

Considering only a finite cover for all $\varepsilon>0$ means that $X$ can be covered, which implies that $X$ is truly small and manageable. That a space is totally bounded means it can be thought of in finite segments while being a metric space, making each segment easy to imagine.

If you feel a sense of déjà vu with the condition $B_{d}(x,\varepsilon) \cap A_{\varepsilon} \ne \emptyset$ that makes $A_{\varepsilon}$ a $\varepsilon$-net, it’s fine to think of yourself as quite familiar with topology. This condition almost mirrors the criterion for determining whether a space is separable. Indeed, the conceptual difference between density and this lies in whether it’s finite or infinite. It’s harder to satisfy conditions for a finite set than an infinite set, and the subsequent theorem naturally holds true.


  • [1]: Totally bounded spaces are separable.
  • [2]: For metric spaces, being compact is equivalent to being complete and totally bounded.



Finite sets are countable, which is trivial from the definition of separable spaces.


Deduced by detouring through sequential compactness.

  1. Munkres. (2000). Topology(2nd Edition): p275. ↩︎