In Probability Theory: Separating Classes
📂Probability TheoryIn Probability Theory: Separating Classes
A Separating Class in a measurable space (S,B(S)) defined for two probabilities P, Q is said to satisfy the following C.
The existence of a separating class implies that to check if two measures are the same, one does not need to examine the entire measurable space but only a part of it. Intuitively, it seems unlikely for such a convenient class to simply exist, but according to the following theorem, it can be found under relatively easy conditions.
For a π-system C if σ(C)=B(S) and for all A∈C it holds that P(A)=Q(A), then C is a separating class.
The condition of being a π-system is much more approachable compared to directly satisfying the definition of a separating class. If such a theorem exists, it will be easier to show the existence of a separating class, ultimately making it easier to prove that the two probabilities (measures) are equal.
To use the Dynkin π-λ theorem, the following definitions are introduced.
π-system and λ-system:
- P that satisfies the following is called a π-system.
- L that satisfies the following conditions is called a λ-system.
- (i): ∅∈L
- (ii) A∈L⟹Ac∈L
- (iii) For all i=j when Ai∩Aj=∅
Defining L:={A∈B(S):P(A)=Q(A)},
- (i): Since P(∅)=Q(∅)=0, it holds that ∅∈L.
- (ii): Since P(Ac)=1−P(A)=1−Q(A)=Q(Ac), it holds that A∈L⟹Ac∈L.
- (iii): As the probabilities P, Q are measures, they satisfy {An}n∈N⊂L⟹n∈N⋃An∈L. Therefore, L is a λ-system.
Since it was assumed that for all A∈C, P(A)=Q(A) was satisfied, therefore C⊂L is true.
Dynkin’s π-λ theorem: If a π-system P is a subset of a λ-system L, then there exists a σ-field σ(P) satisfying P⊂σ(P)⊂L.
Since C was a π-system by assumption, according to Dynkin’s π-λ theorem, there exists a σ(C)=B(S) satisfying C⊂σ(C)⊂L. Naturally, the definition of L implies L⊂B(S), so L=B(S), and that A∈C satisfying P(A)=Q(A) also belongs to B(S). In other words, for all A∈B(S), P(A)=Q(A) holds, and rephrased as a proposition, it is as follows.