
In Topology, What is a Coordinate System? 📂Topology

In Topology, What is a Coordinate System?


Let us consider MM to be a nn-dimensional manifold. Suppose two open sets UMU\subset M, U~Rn\tilde{U} \subset \mathbb{R}^n and a homeomorphism ϕ : UU~\phi\ :\ U \rightarrow \tilde{U} are given. Then, the ordered pair (U,ϕ)(U, \phi) is called the coordinate system on MM, or simply coordinates(Chart)(\mathrm{Chart}).


If pUp \in U, ϕ(p)=0\phi (p)=0, then (U,ϕ)(U,\phi) is called the center in pp. Moreover, UU is referred to as the coordinate domain or the coordinate neighborhood. If ϕ(U)\phi (U) is an open ball in Rn\mathbb{R}^n, then UU is called the coordinate ball. ϕ\phi is known as the coordinate map, and when emphasizing that UU is not the entire set, it is called the local coordinate map. Similarly, for the chart (M,ϕ)(M,\phi), ϕ\phi is referred to as the global coordinate map.