
Cardinality of a Set 📂Set Theory

Cardinality of a Set

Definition 1

For any given set XX, cardX\operatorname{card} X that satisfies the following properties is defined as the Cardinality of XX.

  • (i): X=    cardX=0X = \emptyset \iff \operatorname{card} X = 0
  • (ii): AB    cardA=cardBA \sim B \iff \operatorname{card} A = \operatorname{card} B
  • (iii): For some natural number kk, if X{1,2,,k}X \sim \left\{ 1 , 2, \cdots , k \right\} then cardX=k\operatorname{card} X = k

Specifically, the cardinality of a finite set is called a finite cardinality, and that of an infinite set is called a transfinite cardinality.

  1. For two sets AA and BB, if AA is equivalent to some subset of BB but BB is not equivalent to any subset of AA, then it is said that cardA\operatorname{card} A is smaller than cardB\operatorname{card} B, which is represented as follows: cardA<cardB \operatorname{card} A < \operatorname{card} B
  2. For two disjoint sets AA and BB, each having cardinalities a=cardAa = \operatorname{card} A and b=cardBb =\operatorname{card} B respectively, the cardinality of their union is called the sum of the cardinalities aa and bb, and is represented as follows: card(AB):=a+b \operatorname{card} \left( A \cup B \right):= a+b
  3. For two sets AA and BB, each having cardinalities a=cardAa = \operatorname{card} A and b=cardBb =\operatorname{card} B respectively, the cardinality of their Cartesian product is called the product of the cardinalities aa and bb, and is represented as follows: card(A×B):=ab \operatorname{card} \left( A \times B \right):= ab
  4. For two sets AA and BB, each having cardinalities a=cardAa = \operatorname{card} A and b=cardBb =\operatorname{card} B respectively, the cardinality of the set of all functions with domain AA and codomain BB BAB^{A} is called the bb to the power of aa (cardinality), and is represented as follows: card(BA):=ba \operatorname{card} \left( B^{A} \right):= b^{a}


Cardinality is an ‘abstraction of the size of a set’, and it is reasonable to say that it was introduced to make mathematically meaningful comparisons for infinite sets as well. Since it comes from the concept of the size of a set, it is often represented simply as X:=cardX|X| := \operatorname{card} X when set theory is not the core or for convenience.

Cardinality has the following algebraic properties similar to natural numbers.

Basic Properties 1

Let’s say x,y,zx,y,z is a cardinality.

  • [1]: ABAB    A=B|A| \le |B| \land |A| \ge |B| \implies |A| = |B|
  • [2]: x+y=y+x(x+y)+z=x+(y+z)x + y = y+x \\ (x+y) + z = x + (y + z)
  • [3]: xy=yx(xy)z=x(yz)x(y+z)=xy+xzxy = yx \\ (xy)z = x(yz) \\ x ( y+z) = xy + xz
  • [4]: zxzy=zx+y(zy)x=zyxz^{x} z^{y} = z^{x+y} \\ \left( z^{y} \right)^{x} = z^{yx}

  1. Translated by Heungcheon Lee, You-Feng Lin. (2011). Set Theory: An Intuitive Approach: p241. ↩︎ ↩︎