
Saturation and Definition of Fibers in Mathematics 📂Set Theory

Saturation and Definition of Fibers in Mathematics


  1. Given two sets XX, YY and a function π : XY\pi\ :\ X\rightarrow Y. If π1(π(u))=u\pi^{-1}\big( \pi (u) \big)=u holds, then uXu\subset X is called saturation.
  2. The set π1(y)X\pi^{-1}(y) \subset X is called the fiber or stalk over the point yYy\in Y in π\pi.


π1\pi^{-1} is a preimage. Let’s easily understand through the pictures below.


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uu is always less than or equal to π1(π(u))\pi^{-1} \big( \pi (u) \big). Thus, being saturated means that uu has grown as much as it possibly can.


In simple terms, it’s a preimage for a point. The reason why it’s called a fiber is intuitively clear from the picture below. 5DA7BEC83.png

Also, by the two definitions, it is easy to see the following fact.


uXu \subset X being saturated is equivalent to uu being the union of the fibers of π : XY\pi\ :\ X\rightarrow Y.