Conditional Properties of Probability
📂Probability TheoryConditional Properties of Probability
Let’s say we have a probability space (Ω,F,P) and a sub-sigma field G⊂F.
- [1] For all B∈G, there is 0≤P(B∣G)≤1.
- [2] Continuity of probability: For a nested sequence {Bn}n∈N⊂G,
n→∞limBn=B⟹P(Bn∣G)→P(B∣G) a.s.
- [3] If {Bn}n∈N is a partition of Ω,
- That a sequence of events {Bn}n∈N⊂G is nested means it has one of the following two properties.
- A nested sequence may have the following properties for some event B∈G.
- ⨆ denotes the symbol for the union of mutually exclusive sets.
Since P is a probability, according to the definition of conditional probability and conditional expectation, for all A∈G
∀A∈F,∫Afdm=0⟺f=0 a.e. hence 0≤P(B∣G)≤1
We only need to show that it holds when ∀n∈N,Bn⊂Bn+1, by setting it as Bn:=Ω∖An, we can also show it holds when ∀n∈N,An⊂An−1. Assuming ∀n∈N,Bn⊂Bn+1, according to the definition of conditional probability and the Monotone Convergence Theorem for conditional probability,
If {Bn}n∈N is a partition of Ω, then for all n∈N, k=1⨆nBk⊂k=1⨆n+1Bk hence, according to the continuity of probability in [2],