Proof of the Monotone Convergence Theorem for Conditional Cases
📂Probability TheoryProof of the Monotone Convergence Theorem for Conditional Cases
Let’s assume that a probability space (Ω,F,P) is given.
Considering the sequence of random variables {Xn}n∈N and X∈L1(Ω), we have
X1≤X2≤⋯≤XXn→X a.s.
n→∞limE(Xn∣G)=E(n→∞limXn∣G) a.s.
The conditional monotone convergence theorem simply states that the monotone convergence theorem applies to conditional expectations just as well. Its role in probability theory is the same as that of MCT.
Strategy: Use the monotone convergence theorem to sandwich ∫ around n→∞lim, and by tweaking the definition of expectation to add and remove E, make the integrands the same.
Part 1. X1≥0
According to the monotone convergence theorem, for all A∈G
So, $ ∀A∈F,∫Afdm=0⟺f=0 a.e. 이므로
n→∞limE(Xn∣G)=E(n→∞limXn∣G) a.s.
Part 2. X1<0
Yn:=Xn−X1 이 확률 변수 Y=X−X1 에 대해 Yn↗Y 라고 하면 Y1≥0, therefore, according to Part 1.
n→∞limE(Yn∣G)=E(n→∞limYn∣G) a.s.
Then, by the linearity of conditional expectation, we obtain the following.
n→∞limE(Xn∣G)=====n→∞limE(Yn+X1∣G)n→∞limE(Yn∣G)+E(X1∣G)E(X−X1∣G)+E(X1∣G)E(X−X1+X1∣G)E(n→∞limXn∣G) a.s.
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