General Definitions of Measure
📂Measure TheoryGeneral Definitions of Measure
Let (X,E) be a measurable space. A function μ:E→R that takes extended real values is called a measure if it satisfies the following three conditions:
(a) μ(∅)=0
(b) μ(E)≥0,∀E∈E
(c) Suppose {Ej} are sequences of mutually disjoint sets in E. Then the following holds:
The ordered pair (X,E,μ) is called a measure space.
Two sets E1, E2 are said to be disjoint if they satisfy E1∩E2=∅.
Replacing condition μ with μ : E→[0,∞] includes (b), so it can be omitted.
Condition (c) refers to countable additivity. It’s important to note that it only applies to mutually disjoint sets.
When mentioning both signed measures and measures together, for emphasis, measures are also referred to as positive measures.
Let (X,E,μ) be a measure space.
(A) Monotonicity: If E,F∈E and E⊂F, then μ(E)≤μ(F).
(B) Countable sub-additivity: If {Ej}1∞ are sequences of elements in E, then μ(⋃1∞Ej)≤∑1∞μ(Ej).
(C) Continuity from below: Suppose {Ej}1∞⊂E is a monotonically increasing sequence, i.e., E1⊂E2⊂⋯. Then the following holds:
(D) Continuity from above: Suppose {Ej}1∞⊂E is a monotonically decreasing sequence, i.e., E1⊃E2⊃⋯. And let μ(E1)<∞. Then the following holds:
Let’s say E⊂F. Then F=F∖E+E is true. Since E and F∖E are mutually disjoint, by the definition of measure (c), the following holds:
Then, by the definition of measure (b), the following holds:
Therefore, the following is obtained:

Let’s say F1=E1. And for k>1, say Fk=Ek∖(⋃1k−1Ej). Then each Fk is mutually disjoint and ⋃1nFj=⋃1nEj, ∀n. Also, for each j, Fj⊂Ej holds. Therefore, the following holds:
The second equality holds because of the definition of measure (c). The last inequality is due to (A).

Let’s say E0:=∅. And let’s say Fj=Ej∖Ej−1. Then each Fj is mutually disjoint. Also, ⋃1∞Fj=⋃1∞Ej holds. Therefore, the following holds:
The second equality holds because of the definition of measure (c).

Let’s say Fj=E1∖Ej. Then F1⊂F2⊂⋯ holds. Also, μ(E1)=μ(Fj)+μ(Ej), and ⋃1∞Fj=E1∖(⋂1∞Ej) holds. Since E1=⋃1∞Fj+⋂1∞Ej, the following holds:
The second equality is due to (C). Since μ(E1)<∞, the following is obtained:
See also