
Uniqueness Proof of Identity Elements and Inverse Elements in groups 📂Abstract Algebra

Uniqueness Proof of Identity Elements and Inverse Elements in groups

Theorem 1

For a group <G,>\left<G, \ast \right>, the identity element ee that satisfies ex=xe=xe \ast x = x \ast e = x for all elements xx of GG is unique. For any element aa of GG, the inverse element aa ' that satisfies aa=aa=ea \ast {a’} = {a’} \ast a = e is unique with respect to aa.


Though everyone takes it for granted, the definition of a group only mentions their existence, not uniqueness. That such elements exist uniquely requires proof.


Strategy: As usual when proving uniqueness, proof by contradiction is used.

Part 1. Identity Element

Let’s assume there exists another identity element ee' besides ee. Since ee is an identity element, e e=e e=e e \ast\ e' = e' \ast\ e = e' holds. Meanwhile, ee', being an identity element as well, e e=e e=e e' \ast\ e = e \ast\ e' = e holds. Hence, e=ee = e', this contradicts the assumption eee \ne e'.

Part 2. Inverse Element

Similarly, let’s assume there exists a different inverse element a’’a’’ other than aa ' for aa. Then, a a=ea’ \ast\ a = e and a’’ a=ea’’ \ast\ a = e, leading to a a=a’’ aa’ \ast\ a = a’’ \ast\ a.

Cancellation Law: For an element a,b,ca,b,c of a group <G,>\left<G, \ast \right>, ab=ac    b=cba=ca    b=c a \ast b = a \ast c \implies b = c \\ b \ast a = c \ast a \implies b=c

By the cancellation law, a a=a’’ aa’ \ast\ a = a’’ \ast\ a implies a=a’’a’ = a’’.

This contradicts the assumption aa’’a’ \ne a’’.

  1. Fraleigh. (2003). A first course in abstract algebra(7th Edition): p32, 42. ↩︎