Skewness in Mathematical Statistics
- When the mean of a random variable is , and its variance is , the following defined is called the Skewness of .
- When the sample mean of data is , and the sample variance is , the sample skewness is calculated as follows.
Skewness is calculated by the third moment and serves as a measure of how the distribution function of a random variable is skewed. A positive number means there are many large values on the right, and a negative number means there are many large values on the left.
The normal distribution has a skewness of , and indeed, when drawing samples, it is found to be close to . Although the calculation itself resulted in a negative number, actually looking at the histogram also shows extreme values clustered on the left.
The histogram above is drawn from samples taken from the Poisson distribution. The fact that the calculation turned out positive indicates that indeed, many extreme values lie on the right side.
hist(x,main=paste0("N(0,1)의 왜도 : ",round(skewness(x),4)))
hist(y,main=paste0("Pois(5)의 왜도 : ",round(skewness(y),4)))