Sobolev Spaces are Separable, Uniformly Convex, and Reflexive: A Proof
When , the Sobolev space is separable. Moreover, when , the Sobolev space is reflexive and uniformly convex.
A vector space in which an inner product is defined is called an inner product space, and a complete inner product space is specially called a Hilbert space. Since is complete, if the inner product is defined as below, becomes a separable Hilbert space.
Here, is the inner product in the space.
Since a norm is defined for , it becomes a metric space. And the space is a complete metric space.
Let’s call a metric space. Let’s call a complete metric space. Then, there exists an isometric mapping, embedding .
Therefore, according to the theorem, there exists an embedding which is an isometric mapping as follows.
Let us define . Since is an embedding, holds. Additionally, since is complete and is an isometric mapping, is also complete.
Let’s say is a complete metric space. If is a subspace of , then the following two propositions hold:
- is closed in .
- is complete.
According to the theorem, is a closed subspace of .
If we call a Banach space, and a closed subspace of , then
- is also a Banach space.
- If is separable, then is also separable.
- If is reflexive, then is also reflexive.
- If is uniformly convex, then is also uniformly convex.
When the space is , it is separable, and when it is , it is uniformly convex and reflexive. Therefore, according to the above lemma, is also when separable, and when uniformly convex and reflexive.
Meanwhile, since is an embedding, and are topologically isomorphic. Thus, if is separable, then is also separable. Furthermore, since is an isometric mapping, by the definition of uniform convexity, if is uniformly convex, then is also uniformly convex.
A uniformly convex Banach space is reflexive.
As is a Banach space, is reflexive.
Robert A. Adams and John J. F. Foutnier, Sobolev Space (2nd Edition, 2003), p61-62 ↩︎