
Sobolev Spaces are Separable, Uniformly Convex, and Reflexive: A Proof

Sobolev Spaces are Separable, Uniformly Convex, and Reflexive: A Proof


When 1p<1\le p <\infty, the Sobolev space Wm,pW^{m, p} is separable. Moreover, when 1<p<1< p < \infty, the Sobolev space is reflexive and uniformly convex.


A vector space in which an inner product is defined is called an inner product space, and a complete inner product space is specially called a Hilbert space. Since Wm,pW^{m, p} is complete, if the inner product is defined as below, Wm, 2W^{m,\ 2} becomes a separable Hilbert space.

u, vm=0αmDαu, Dαv \langle u,\ v \rangle_{m} = \sum \limits_{0\le |\alpha | \le m } \left\langle D^\alpha u,\ D^\alpha v \right\rangle

Here, ,\langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle is the inner product in the L2L^2 space.


Since a norm is defined for Wm,pW^{m, p}, it becomes a metric space. And the LpL^{p} space is a complete metric space.


Let’s call (X,d)(X, d) a metric space. Let’s call (Y,d)(Y,d’) a complete metric space. Then, there exists an isometric mapping, embedding f:XYf : X \to Y.

Therefore, according to the theorem, there exists an embedding which is an isometric mapping as follows.

P:Wm,pLp P : W^{m, p} \rightarrow L^{p}

Let us define P(Wm,p)=WP(W^{m, p})=W. Since PP is an embedding, WLpW \subset L^{p} holds. Additionally, since Wm,pW^{m, p} is complete and PP is an isometric mapping, WW is also complete.


Let’s say MM is a complete metric space. If SS is a subspace of MM, then the following two propositions hold:

  • SS is closed in MM.
  • SS is complete.

According to the theorem, WW is a closed subspace of LpL^{p}.


If we call XX a Banach space, and MM a closed subspace of XX, then

  • MM is also a Banach space.
  • If XX is separable, then MM is also separable.
  • If XX is reflexive, then MM is also reflexive.
  • If XX is uniformly convex, then MM is also uniformly convex.

When the LpL^{p} space is 1p<1 \le p < \infty, it is separable, and when it is 1<p<1 < p < \infty, it is uniformly convex and reflexive. Therefore, according to the above lemma, WW is also 1p<1 \le p < \infty when separable, and 1<p<1 < p < \infty when uniformly convex and reflexive.

Meanwhile, since PP is an embedding, P=(Wm,p)=WP=(W^{m, p})=W and Wm,pW^{m, p} are topologically isomorphic. Thus, if WW is separable, then Wm,pW^{m, p} is also separable. Furthermore, since PP is an isometric mapping, by the definition of uniform convexity, if WW is uniformly convex, then Wm,pW^{m, p} is also uniformly convex.


A uniformly convex Banach space is reflexive.

As Wm,pW^{m, p} is a Banach space, Wm,pW^{m, p} is reflexive.

  1. Robert A. Adams and John J. F. Foutnier, Sobolev Space (2nd Edition, 2003), p61-62 ↩︎