
Minkowski's Inequality 📂Lebesgue Spaces

Minkowski's Inequality


Let’s denote $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^{n}$ as an open set, and $0 \lt p \lt 1$. If $u, v \in L^p(\Omega)$ then $u+v \in L^p(\Omega)$.


This is called the reverse Minkowski’s inequality. It’s not the converse of the Minkowski’s inequality proposition, but the direction of the inequality is reversed.

The Minkowski inequality shows that when $1 \le p \lt \infty$, the defined $\left\| \cdot \right\|_{p}$ satisfies the triangle inequality and becomes the norm in the $L^{p}$ space.

However, in the case of the reverse Minkowski inequality, when $0 \lt p \lt 1$, $\left\| \cdot \right\|_{p}$ does not satisfy the definition of a norm, indicating that $L^{p}$ is not a normed space.


If $u = v = 0$, the proof is trivial, so let’s assume at least one of $u, v$ is not $0$. To compute $\left\| |u| + |v| \right\|_{p}^{p}$, rearrange the equation as follows:

Rearranging the equation gives us

Moreover, since we assumed that at least one of $u, v$ is not $0$,

At this point, $p^{\prime}$ is defined as the conjugate exponent. Therefore, if $(p-1)p^{\prime} = p$ and $|u|, |v| \in L^{p}$, then ${|u| + |v| \in L^{p}}$,

From the above two inequalities, we obtain:

This is a sufficient condition for the reverse Hölder’s inequality to hold.

Reverse Hölder’s inequality

Let $0 < p < 1$ and $p^{\prime} = \dfrac{p}{p-1} < 0$. If $f \in L^{p}(\Omega)$, ${fg\in L^{1}(\Omega)}$, and

Then, the following inequality holds:

Let $f = u$ and denote $g = \left( |u| + |v| \right)^{p-1}$,

Similarly, let $f = v$ and denote $g = \left( |u| + |v| \right)^{p-1}$,

Substituting the above two inequalities for $(1)$,

Multiplying both sides by $\left\| |u| + |v| \right\|_{p}^{-p/p^{\prime}}$ gives $p - \dfrac{p}{p^{\prime}} = 1$,

  1. Robert A. Adams and John J. F. Foutnier, Sobolev Spaces (2nd Edition, 2003), p28 ↩︎