Simpson's Rule
📂Numerical AnalysisSimpson's Rule

Let f:[a,b]→R be integrable on [a,b] and divide [a,b] into nodes with equal intervals of h:=nb−a like a=x0<⋯<xn=b. Then, the numerical integration operator In2 defined as follows is called the Simpson’s Rule.
Let us denote f∈C4[a,b]. The error E12 and the asymptotic error E~n2 of Simpson’s Rule are as follows:
- [1]: E12(f)=−90h5f(4)(ξ)
- [2]: E~n2(f)=−180h4[f(3)(b)−f(3)(a)]
Expanding In2(f) gives the following.
Unlike the Trapezoidal Rule which uses linear interpolation to compute the numerical integration of the definite integral I(f)=∫abf(x)dx, this method employs quadratic interpolation.
A point to note is that the error is computed as E12(f)=−90h5f(4)(ξ), indicating that even if an 2th order interpolation is performed for integration, if f is a polynomial of degree 3 or less, the error exactly becomes 0.
Strategy: Since the quadratic function is the quadratic interpolation of the given function, properties of polynomial interpolation can be utilized.
For convenience, let’s denote c:=(2a+b).
This approximates I(f) as the integral of the function obtained by performing quadratic interpolation over the interval [a,b].
Newton’s Divided Differences Formula: pn(x)=i=0∑nf[x0,⋯,xi]j=0∏i−1(x−xj)
Given three points a,c,b and for all x∈[a,b],
Let’s define w as follows.
Since (t−a)(t−c)(t−b) is an odd function centered at t=c, w(b)=0, and the integral turns out to be 0 if both ends are equal, w(a)=0. Then, according to the partial integration and the differentiation formulas for divided differences,
By the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, since w(x)≥0, we can use the Mean Value Theorem for Integrals.
Mean Value Theorem for Integrals: If a function f is continuous on the closed interval [a,b] and w(x)≥0 is integrable, then there exists at least one η in [a,b] satisfying ∫abf(x)w(x)dx=f(η)∫abw(x)dx.
Furthermore, according to the properties of divided differences,
some η,ξ∈[a,b] exists that satisfies the above.
Strategy: Once the Riemann sums are derived, the rest naturally follows from the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. However, since the Simpson’s rule involves addition like k=1∑n/2, a trick of multiplying by 22 is used in deriving the Riemann sums.
According to Theorem [1], the error between the actual I(f) and In2(f) is computed as follows for some ξk∈[x2(k−1),x2k].
Regarding this,