
Proof of the Karatheodory's Theorem 📂Measure Theory

Proof of the Karatheodory's Theorem


For all AXA \subset X, if the following equation holds, then EXE \subset X is said to satisfy the Caratheodory condition, or EE is said to be μ\mu^{\ast}-measurable.

μ(A)=μ(AE)+μ(AEc) \begin{equation} \mu^{\ast}(A) = \mu^{\ast}(A\cap E) + \mu^{\ast}(A \cap E^{c}) \label{def1} \end{equation}

μ\mu^{\ast} is an outer measure.


Let LL be the set that includes all EXE \subset X that satisfy the Caratheodory condition. Then, LL is a σ\sigma-algebra. Also, μ\mu^{\ast} becomes a measure on LL.

This is known as the Caratheodory theorem.


If we say X=RnX=\mathbb{R}^n, then LL is called the Lebesgue σ\sigma-algebra of Rn\mathbb{R}^n. And, EE is called the Lebesgue measurable set or simply measurable set of Rn\mathbb{R}^n. And at this time, the outer measure μ\mu^{\ast} is called the Lebesgue measure on Rn\mathbb{R}^n.


To show that μ\mu^{\ast} becomes a measure on LL, it suffices to check if the following three conditions are met by definition.


(D1) μ()=0\mu^{\ast}(\varnothing)=0

(D2) μ:L[0,]\mu^{\ast} : L \to [0,\infty]

(D3) For distinct EiXE_{i} \subset X, μ(i=1Ei)=i=1μ(Ei)\mu^{\ast}\left(\bigsqcup \limits_{i=1}^{\infty} E_{i} \right) = \sum \limits_{i=1}^{\infty}\mu^{\ast}(E_{i})

However, this is trivially satisfied by the definition and properties of the outer measure.

To show that LL is a σ\sigma-algebra, it suffices to check if the following conditions are met by definition.


Let a set XX be given. The collection EP(X)\mathcal{E} \subset \mathcal{P}(X) of subsets of XX that satisfies the following conditions is called a σ\sigma-algebra.

  • (D1) ,XE\varnothing, X \in \mathcal{E}
  • (D2) EE    EcEE \in \mathcal{E} \implies E^{c} \in \mathcal{E}
  • (D3) EkE (kN)    k=1EkEE_{k} \in \mathcal{E}\ (\forall k \in \mathbb{N}) \implies \bigcup_{k=1}^\infty E_{k} \in \mathcal{E}
  • (D1)

    By substituting EE with \varnothing, and XX, it’s easy to verify that it holds based on the Caratheodory condition.

  • (D2)

    This trivially holds by the definition of the Caratheodory condition.

  • (D3)

    Unlike the previous two conditions, this is not straightforward to verify. First, it will be shown that when E1E_{1} and E2E_{2} satisfy (def1)\eqref{def1}, then E1E2E_{1} \cup E_{2} also satisfies (def1)\eqref{def1}.

    • Part 1.

      Since E1E_{1} satisfies (def1)\eqref{def1} by assumption, the following holds:

      μ(A)=μ(AE1)+μ(AE1c) \mu^{\ast}(A)=\mu^{\ast}(A \cap E_{1}) + \mu^{\ast}(A \cap E_{1}^{c})

      Similarly, since E2E_{2} also satisfies (def1)\eqref{def1}, the following holds:

      μ(A)=μ(AE1)+μ(AE1c)=μ((AE1)E2)+μ((AE1)E2c)+μ((AE1c)E2)+μ((AE1c)E2c) \begin{align*} \mu^{\ast}(A) &= \mu^{\ast}(A \cap E_{1}) + \mu^{\ast}(A \cap E_{1}^{c}) \\ &= \mu^{\ast} \big( (A \cap E_{1})\cap E_{2} \big) + \mu^{\ast} \big( (A \cap E_{1})\cap E_{2}^{c} \big) \\ &\quad + \mu^{\ast} \big( (A \cap E_{1}^{c})\cap E_2 \big)+\mu^{\ast} \big( (A \cap E_{1}^{c})\cap E_{2}^c \big) \end{align*}

      By the countable subadditivity of the outer measure, the following equation holds:

      μ([AE1E2][AE1E2c][AE1cE2])μ(AE1E2)+μ(AE1E2c)+μ(AE1cE2) \mu^{\ast} \Big( \big[ A\cap E_{1}\cap E_{2} \big] \cup \big[ A \cap E_{1} \cap E_{2}^{c}\big] \cup \big[ A \cap E_{1}^{c} \cap E_2 \big] \Big) \\ \le \mu^{\ast} \big( A \cap E_{1}\cap E_2 \big) + \mu^{\ast} \big( A \cap E_{1}\cap E_{2}^{c} \big) + \mu^{\ast} \big( A \cap E_{1}^{c}\cap E_2 \big)

      Thus, the following holds:

      μ(A)μ([AE1E2][AE1E2c][AE1cE2])+μ(AE1cE2c)= μ(A[(E1E2)(E1E2c)(E1cE2)])+μ(AE1cE2c)= μ(A(E1E2))+μ(AE1cE2c)= μ(A(E1E2))+μ(A(E1E2)c) \begin{align*} & \mu^{\ast}(A) \\ \ge& \mu^{\ast} \Big( \big[ A\cap E_{1}\cap E_{2} \big] \cup \big[ A \cap E_{1} \cap E_{2}^{c}\big] \cup \big[ A \cap E_{1}^{c} \cap E_2 \big] \Big) + \mu^{\ast} (A \cap E_{1}^{c} \cap E_{2}^c ) \\ =&\ \mu^{\ast} \big( A\cap \big[ (E_{1}\cap E_{2}) \cup (E_{1} \cap E_{2}^{c}) \cup ( E_{1}^{c} \cap E_{2}) \big] \Big) + \mu^{\ast} (A \cap E_{1}^{c} \cap E_{2}^c ) \\ =&\ \mu^{\ast} \big( A\cap (E_{1} \cup E_{2}) \big) + \mu^{\ast} (A \cap E_{1}^{c} \cap E_{2}^c ) \\ =&\ \mu^{\ast} \big( A\cap (E_{1} \cup E_{2}) \big) + \mu^{\ast} \big(A \cap (E_{1} \cup E_2 )^{c} \big) \end{align*}

      Therefore, when E1E_{1} and E2E_{2} satisfy (def1)\eqref{def1}, E1E2E_{1}\cup E_{2} also satisfies (def1)\eqref{def1}. By repeating this, it can be understood that any given NN distinct EiE_{i}s satisfying (def1)\eqref{def1} implies that i=1NEi\bigsqcup_{i=1}^{N} E_{i} also satisfies (def1)\eqref{def1}.

    • Part 2.

      The initial condition lacks the distinctness of each EiE_{i}, which is necessary for the proof, so a bit of trickery is needed. First, define each E~i\tilde{E}_{i} as follows:

      E~1=E1E~2=E2E~1cE~3=E3(E~1E~2)cE~4=E4(E~1E~2E~3)c \begin{align*} \tilde{E}_{1} &= E_{1} \\ \tilde{E}_{2} &= E_{2} \cap \tilde{E}_{1}^{c} \\ \tilde{E}_{3} &= E_{3} \cap (\tilde{E}_{1} \cup \tilde{E}_{2} )^{c} \\ \tilde{E}_{4} &= E_{4} \cap (\tilde{E}_{1} \cup \tilde{E}_{2} \cup \tilde{E}_{3})^{c} \\ &\vdots \end{align*}

      Then, each of the E~i\tilde{E}_{i}s are disjoint, satisfy (def1)\eqref{def1}, and the following holds:

      i=1E~i=i=1Ei \bigsqcup_{i=1}^\infty \tilde{E}_{i} = \bigsqcup _{i=1}^\infty E_{i}

      This can be easily verified by direct calculation. Therefore, it can now be shown without loss of generality that when each of the E~i\tilde{E}_{i}s satisfies (def1)\eqref{def1}, i=1E~i \bigsqcup_{i=1}^\infty \tilde{E}_{i} also satisfies (def1)\eqref{def1}, completing the proof.

    • Part 3.

      By the countable subadditivity, the following holds:

      μ(A)μ(A(i=1E~i))+μ(A(i=1E~i)c) \mu^{\ast} (A) \le \mu^{\ast}\left(A \cap \left( \bigsqcup _{i=1}^\infty \tilde{E}_{i}\right) \right) + \mu^{\ast} \left(A \cap \left( \bigsqcup _{i=1}^\infty \tilde{E}_{i} \right)^{c} \right)

      Showing the opposite direction of inequality completes the proof. Since it was shown in Part 1. that it holds for NN, the following holds:

      μ(A)=μ(A(i=1NE~i))+μ(A(i=1NE~i)c)μ(A(i=1NE~i))+μ(A(i=1E~i)c)=i=1Nμ(AE~i)+μ(A(i=1E~i)c) \begin{align*} \mu^{\ast} (A) &= \mu^{\ast} \left( A \cap \left( \bigsqcup _{i=1}^N \tilde{E}_{i}\right) \right) + \mu^{\ast} \left(A \cap \left( \bigsqcup _{i=1}^N \tilde{E}_{i} \right)^{c} \right) \\ &\ge \mu^{\ast} \left( A \cap \left( \bigsqcup _{i=1}^N \tilde{E}_{i}\right) \right) + \mu^{\ast} \left(A \cap \left( \bigsqcup _{i=1}^\infty \tilde{E}_{i} \right)^{c} \right) \\ &= \sum \limits_{i=1}^N\mu^{\ast}\left(A \cap \tilde{E}_{i} \right) + \mu^{\ast} \left(A \cap \left( \bigsqcup _{i=1}^\infty \tilde{E}_{i} \right)^{c} \right) \end{align*}

      This inequality holds for all NN, so the following equation holds:

      μ(A)i=1μ(AE~i)+μ(A(i=1E~i)c)μ(A(i=1E~i))+μ(A(i=1E~i)c) \begin{align*} \mu^{\ast} (A) & \ge \sum \limits_{i=1}^\infty \mu^{\ast}\left(A \cap \tilde{E}_{i} \right) + \mu^{\ast} \left(A \cap \left( \bigsqcup _{i=1}^\infty \tilde{E}_{i} \right)^{c} \right) \\ &\ge \mu^{\ast} \left( A \cap \left( \bigsqcup_{i=1}^\infty \tilde{E}_{i} \right) \right) + \mu^{\ast} \left(A \cap \left( \bigsqcup _{i=1}^\infty \tilde{E}_{i} \right)^{c} \right) \end{align*}

      The second inequality holds by countable subadditivity.

  1. Robert G. Bartle, The Elements of Integration and Lebesgue Measure (1995), p100 ↩︎