Proof of the Karatheodory's Theorem
📂Measure TheoryProof of the Karatheodory's Theorem
For all A⊂X, if the following equation holds, then E⊂X is said to satisfy the Caratheodory condition, or E is said to be μ∗-measurable.
μ∗ is an outer measure.
Let L be the set that includes all E⊂X that satisfy the Caratheodory condition. Then, L is a σ-algebra. Also, μ∗ becomes a measure on L.
This is known as the Caratheodory theorem.
If we say X=Rn, then L is called the Lebesgue σ-algebra of Rn. And, E is called the Lebesgue measurable set or simply measurable set of Rn. And at this time, the outer measure μ∗ is called the Lebesgue measure on Rn.
To show that μ∗ becomes a measure on L, it suffices to check if the following three conditions are met by definition.
(D1) μ∗(∅)=0
(D2) μ∗:L→[0,∞]
(D3) For distinct Ei⊂X, μ∗(i=1⨆∞Ei)=i=1∑∞μ∗(Ei)
However, this is trivially satisfied by the definition and properties of the outer measure.
To show that L is a σ-algebra, it suffices to check if the following conditions are met by definition.
Let a set X be given. The collection E⊂P(X) of subsets of X that satisfies the following conditions is called a σ-algebra.
- (D1) ∅,X∈E
- (D2) E∈E⟹Ec∈E
- (D3) Ek∈E (∀k∈N)⟹⋃k=1∞Ek∈E
By substituting E with ∅, and X, it’s easy to verify that it holds based on the Caratheodory condition.
This trivially holds by the definition of the Caratheodory condition.
Unlike the previous two conditions, this is not straightforward to verify. First, it will be shown that when E1 and E2 satisfy (def1), then E1∪E2 also satisfies (def1).
Part 1.
Since E1 satisfies (def1) by assumption, the following holds:
Similarly, since E2 also satisfies (def1), the following holds:
By the countable subadditivity of the outer measure, the following equation holds:
Thus, the following holds:
≥===μ∗(A)μ∗([A∩E1∩E2]∪[A∩E1∩E2c]∪[A∩E1c∩E2])+μ∗(A∩E1c∩E2c) μ∗(A∩[(E1∩E2)∪(E1∩E2c)∪(E1c∩E2)])+μ∗(A∩E1c∩E2c) μ∗(A∩(E1∪E2))+μ∗(A∩E1c∩E2c) μ∗(A∩(E1∪E2))+μ∗(A∩(E1∪E2)c)
Therefore, when E1 and E2 satisfy (def1), E1∪E2 also satisfies (def1). By repeating this, it can be understood that any given N distinct Eis satisfying (def1) implies that ⨆i=1NEi also satisfies (def1).
Part 2.
The initial condition lacks the distinctness of each Ei, which is necessary for the proof, so a bit of trickery is needed. First, define each E~i as follows:
Then, each of the E~is are disjoint, satisfy (def1), and the following holds:
This can be easily verified by direct calculation. Therefore, it can now be shown without loss of generality that when each of the E~is satisfies (def1), ⨆i=1∞E~i also satisfies (def1), completing the proof.
Part 3.
By the countable subadditivity, the following holds:
Showing the opposite direction of inequality completes the proof. Since it was shown in Part 1. that it holds for N, the following holds:
This inequality holds for all N, so the following equation holds:
The second inequality holds by countable subadditivity.