Part 1. ∫−∂B(x,r)u(y)dS(y)=u(x)
There is a fixed point x∈Ω. And let’s denote dx as follows.
In other words, dx denotes the shortest distance from a point x inside Ω to the boundary of Ω. And let’s define φ(r) as follows.
φ(r):=nα(n)rn−11∫∂B(x,r)u(y)dS(y)for 0<r<dx=−∫∂B(x,r)u(y)S(y)
Here, the objective is to show that φ(r) is independent of r, and its value is u(x). Therefore, first, it needs to be shown that drdϕ=0. To obtain the desired result, let’s do a variable transformation to y=x+rz. Then y∈∂B(x,r), z∈∂B(0,1), and since dS(y)=rn−1dS(z), the following holds.
If we say f(r)=g(x+rz), the total differential is as follows.
Then, drdf is as follows.
Applying this to (eq1), we obtain the following.
Here, ν is the outward unit normal vector. The fourth and fifth equalities hold by the definition of the outward unit normal vector. ry−x is outward from ∂B(x,r) and its magnitude is 1, so ry−x=ν. The sixth equality holds by Green’s theorem(i). The last equality holds by the assumption that u satisfies Δu=0.
Now, since φ′(r)=0, ϕ(r) is constant for r, which is 0<r<dx. Therefore, the following holds.
-\!\!\!\!\!\! \int_{\partial B(x,r)} u(y)dS(y) &= \varphi(r) = \lim \limits_{t \rightarrow 0^+} \varphi (t)
\\ &= \lim \limits_{t \rightarrow 0^+} \dfrac{1}{n\alpha (n) r^{n-1}}\int _{\partial B(x,t)} u(y)dS(y)
\\ &= \lim \limits_{t \rightarrow 0^+} -\!\!\!\!\!\! \int_{\partial B(x,t)} u(y)dS(y)
\\ &= u(x)
If it is t→0+, the diameter of the ball gradually decreases, so its average value becomes u(x).
Part 2. ∫−B(x,r)udx=u(x)
Let’s assume x,dx is the same as in Part 1. Then, the following holds for 0<r<dx.
\int_{B(x,r)} u(y)dy &= \int_{0}^r \left( \int_{\partial B(x,s)} u(y)dS(y) \right) ds
\\ &= \int_{0}^r n\alpha (n)s^{n-1}\left( \dfrac{1}{n\alpha (n)s^{n-1}}\int_{\partial B(x,s)} u(y)dS(y) \right) ds
\\ &= \int_{0}^r n\alpha (n)s^{n-1}\left( -\!\!\!\!\!\! \int_{\partial B(x,s)} u(y)dS(y) \right) ds
\\ &= \int_{0}^rn\alpha (n)s^{n-1}u(x) ds
\\ &= n\alpha (n) u(x) \int_{0}^r s^{n-1} ds
\\ &= n\alpha (n) u(x) \dfrac{r^n}{n}
\\ &= \alpha (n)r^n u(x)
Therefore, if we leave only u on the right side and organize, it is as follows.