The sufficient condition for the Fourier series of a function to converge absolutely and uniformly to the function📂Fourier Analysis
The sufficient condition for the Fourier series of a function to converge absolutely and uniformly to the function
The function f, defined in [L,−L), is continuous and piecewise smooth. Therefore, the Fourier series of f absolutely and uniformly converges to f.
When f is piecewise smooth, its Fourier series converges pointwise to f. If the condition that f is continuous is strengthened by removing the discontinuity points of f, then the Fourier series of f absolutely and uniformly converges to f. The proof uses the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and Weierstrass M-test.
For functions fn and z∈A, if there exists a sequence of positive numbers Mn satisfying ∣fn(z)∣≤Mn, and if n=1∑∞Mn converges, then n=1∑∞fn(z) absolutely converges, and it converges uniformly in A.
The Fourier series of f is ∑cneiLnπt, so it will be shown that this is greater than or equal to some an for which an<∞ holds.