
Proof of the Lee-Yang Theorem 📂Dynamics

Proof of the Lee-Yang Theorem


If a periodic-33 orbit exists for the continuous map f:[a,b][a,b]f: [a,b] \to [a,b], then ff is chaotic.


The Li-Yorke Theorem also known as the Period-33 Theorem, is often mentioned as a statement that periodic-33 induces chaos. Although this theorem seems to be limited to 11-dimensional maps, the mere existence of a periodic-33 orbit ensuring the existence of all periodic orbits is mathematically astonishing. Typically in mathematics, if a property holds for nn, it often only applies to its divisors, multiples, or smaller numbers.


A generalization of the Li-Yorke theorem is the Sharkovsky’s Theorem, but actually, Li-Yorke’s paper was published in 1975 and Sharkovsky’s in 1964, so technically, the Li-Yorke theorem is a special case of Sharkovsky’s. Due to the Cold War, Sharkovsky’s work was recognized late, and by that time, the Li-Yorke theorem had already established itself as a central theorem in chaos theory.


Strategy: The reason we need a periodic-33 orbit is that if there are three periodic points x0<x1<x2x_{0} < x_{1} < x_{2}, the space can be divided into two parts, L=[x0,x1]L=[x_{0} , x_{1}] and R=[x1,x2]R=[x_{1} , x_{2} ]. To prove the existence of a periodic-mm orbit, we will find a sequence of subintervals where a fixed point pp starts from the left LL, stays at RR, and finally returns to LL.

Part 1. If we define a closed interval I,iI,i ' and assume If(I)I’ \subset f(I), there exists a subinterval SIS \subset I that satisfies f(S)=if(S) = i '.

ii ' being a closed interval, by the Extreme Value Theorem and Intermediate Value Theorem, there exists s0,s1Is_{0} , s_{1} \in I that satisfies f(s0)=minif(s_{0}) = \min i ' and f(s1)=maxif(s_{1}) = \max i '. If we define the smallest closed interval containing s0s_{0} and s1s_{1} as SS, then SIS \subset I satisfies f(S)=if(S) = i ' due to the continuity of ff.

Part 2. If I0f(I0)I_{0} \subset f ( I_{0} ), there exists a sequence of closed intervals {In}nN\left\{ I_{n} \right\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} that satisfies InI0I_{n} \subset I_{0} and In1=f(In)I_{n-1} = f ( I_{n} ), and I0=fn(In)I_{0} = f^{n} ( I_{n} ) holds.

If n=1n=1, Part 1 implies the existence of I1I0I_{1} \subset I_{0} that satisfies I0=f(I1)I_{0} = f(I_{1}).

If n>1n>1, let’s assume that InI0I_{n} \subset I_{0} and In1f(In)I_{n-1} \subset f ( I_{n} ) hold. Then, because InI0f(I0)I_{n} \subset I_{0} \subset f ( I_{0} ), Part 1 implies the existence of In+1I0I_{n+1} \subset I_{0} that satisfies In=f(In+1)I_{n} = f(I_{n+1}), and by mathematical induction, the sequence {In}nN\left\{ I_{n} \right\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} exists.

Unfolding the recursive containment yields I0=f(I1)=f(f(I2))=f2(I2)==fn(In) I_{0} = f ( I_{1} ) = f \left( f(I_{2} ) \right) = f^{2} ( I_{2} ) = \cdots = f^{n} ( I_{n} ) , thus obtaining I0=fn(In)I_{0} = f^{n} ( I_{n} ).

Part 3. fmf^{m} has a fixed point for all mNm \in \mathbb{N}.

Let’s say the three points x0<x1<x2x_{0} < x_{1} < x_{2} are a periodic-33 orbit of ff that satisfy x1:=f(x0)x_{1} := f(x_{0}) and x2:=f2(x0)x_{2} := f^{2} (x_{0} ). For convenience, define L:=[x0,x1]L := [x_{0} ,x_{1} ] as left and R:=[x1,x2]R := [x_{1} , x_{2}] as right.

  • Part 3-1. Rf(R)R \subset f ( R)
    We get [x1,x2][x0,x2] [x_{1} , x_{2} ] \subset [x_{0} , x_{2} ] , and [x0,x2]=[f(x2),f(x1)]f[x1,x2] [x_{0} , x_{2}] = [ f( x_{2} ) , f ( x_{1} ) ] \subset f [ x_{1} , x_{2} ] , which yields [x1,x2][x0,x2]f[x1,x2] [x_{1} , x_{2} ] \subset [x_{0} , x_{2}] \subset f [ x_{1} , x_{2} ] . To summarize, Rf(R)R \subset f ( R) holds.
  • Part 3-2. Rf(L)R \subset f ( L) It holds that [x1,x2]=[f(x0),f(x1)]f[x0,x1] [x_{1} , x_{2}] = [ f( x_{0} ) , f ( x_{1} ) ] \subset f [ x_{0} , x_{1} ] . To summarize, Rf(L)R \subset f ( L ) holds.
  • Part 3-3. A fixed point pp of fmf^{m} exists.

Fixed Point Form of the Intermediate Value Theorem: If If(I)I \subset f (I), the continuous function ff has a fixed point at the interval II.

By the Fixed Point Form of the Intermediate Value Theorem, if we can show the existence of an interval II that satisfies Ifm(I)I \subset f^{m} (I) for fmf^{m}, then a fixed point exists.

  • Part 3-3-1. m=1m=1

    • Since we proved Rf(R)R \subset f (R ) in Part 3-1., the intermediate value theorem implies that f1f^{1} has a fixed point at RR.
  • Part 3-3-2. m1m \ne 1

    • If we define I0:=RI_{0} := R, then Part 3-1. implies that I0f(I0)I_{0} \subset f ( I_{0} ) holds. Following Part 2, for all n=1,,m2n =1 , \cdots, m-2, there exists InI0=RI_{n} \subset I_{0} = R that satisfies In1=f(In)I_{n-1} = f ( I_{n} ).
    • However, for n=m1n = m-1, we utilize Rf(L)R \subset f ( L) from Part 3-2 to apply Part 1. Then, because Im2Rf(L)I_{m-2} \subset R \subset f(L), there exists Im1LI_{m-1} \subset L that satisfies f(Im1)=Im2f(I_{m-1}) = I_{m-2} and Im1L[x0,x2]=[f(x2),f(x1)]f[x1,x2]=f(R)=f(I0)f(fm2(Im2))f(fm2(f(Im1)))fm(Im1) \begin{align*} I_{m-1} \subset& L \\ \subset& [x_{0} , x_{2} ] \\ =& [ f( x_{2} ) , f( x_{1} ) ] \\ \subset& f [ x_{1} , x_{2} ] \\ =& f ( R ) \\ =& f ( I_{0} ) \\ \subset& f \left( f^{m-2} ( I_{m-2} ) \right) \\ \subset& f \left( f^{m-2} ( f ( I_{m-1} ) ) \right) \\ \subset& f^{m} \left( I_{m-1} \right) \end{align*} To summarize, Im1fm(Im1)I_{m-1} \subset f^{m} (I_{m-1}) holds, thus by the intermediate value theorem, fmf^{m} has a fixed point at Im1LI_{m-1} \subset L.

Let’s call this fixed point of all mNm \in \mathbb{N} at fmf^{m} as pIm1Lp \in I_{m-1} \subset L.

  • Part 3-4. The fixed point pp of fmf^{m} is a periodic-mm point of ff.
    • If m=1m=1, the fixed point is essentially a periodic-11 point. So, it suffices to show that for m>1m>1, there can’t be a fixed point pp for natural numbers 1k<m 1 \le k < m according to the definition of {Ik}k=0m1\left\{ I_{k} \right\}_{k=0}^{m-1}, fk(Im1)=fk1(f(Im1))=fk1(Im2)R f^{k} ( I_{m-1} ) = f^{k-1} \left( f ( I_{m-1} ) \right) = f^{k-1} \left( I_{m-2} \right) \subset R . But since pLp \in L, fk(p)Rf^{k} (p) \in R can not be equal. In other words, for k=1,,m1k= 1 , \cdots , m-1, fk(p)pf^{k} (p) \ne p holds, therefore pp is a periodic-mm point of ff.

Summarizing Part 1.~Part 3., ff has a periodic-mm orbit for all mNm \in \mathbb{N}, therefore it is chaotic.

Note that the auxiliary lemma proven in Part 1 provides the preimage SS for a given image ii ', hence it is also referred to as the Preimage Lemma.