Let’s define the function Φ as the fundamental solution to the Laplace equation, where x∈Rn and x=0.
Consider a function that maps as x↦Φ(x). It is harmonic at places where x=0. Suppose we symmetrize the origin from 0 to y∈Rn. Then, the function x↦Φ(x−y) is harmonic at places where x=y. Now, let’s say an arbitrary function f:Rn→R is given. Then, the following function, since f is a function of y, is still harmonic with respect to the variable x.
Then, since the above function is harmonic for each yk∈Rn, summing them all up remains harmonic as well.
x↦k=1∑NΦ(x−yk)f(yk) is harmonic in Rn∖{y1,…,yN}
From here, let’s define the function u with the sense of increasing N as follows.
Let’s regard Φ as the fundamental solution to the Laplace equation. Then, u defined as follows is known as the fundamental solution to the Poisson equation.
Now, we expect that u satisfies the Poisson Equation(2). If appropriate conditions are given to f, we can see that u is well-defined and also satisfies the Poisson equation. Those conditions are that f has a compact support and is twice continuously differentiable.
Let f∈Cc(Rn). Then, there exists an open ballB(x,rx) satisfying the following.
From the following calculation, we can see that u is well-defined.
Let f∈Cc2(Rn). Suppose u is as follows in (1). Then, the following holds.
(ii)−Δu=f in Rn
Given a fixed x∈Rn and 0=h∈R, i∈{1,⋯,n}, the following holds.
Here, ei=(0,⋯,1,⋯,0) is a vector with the ith component as 1 and the others as 0. Then, since f is differentiable, by the Mean Value Theorem (MVT), for any y∈Rn and h′∈(0,h), the following holds.
Given the assumption that fxi∈Cc1(Rn) and since a continuous function in a compact space is uniformly continuous, fxi is uniformly continuous in Rn. Therefore, for a given ϵ>0, there exists a δ>0 satisfying ∣z−w∣<δ⟹∣fxi(z)−fxi(w)∣<ϵ. If 0<∣h∣<δ, then for all y∈Rn, the following holds.