Electric Field
- Coulomb’s Law and Electric Field
- Flux of Electric Field and Gauss’s Law
- Divergence of Electric Field
- Curl of Electric Field
- Work and Energy
- Potential
- Properties of Potential
- Multipole Expansion of Potential and Dipole Moment
- Electric Field Created by a Dipole
Electrostatic Field in Matter
- Polarization Density and Dielectrics
- Alignment of Polar Molecules by a Uniform External Electric Field
- Alignment of Polar Molecules by a Non-Uniform Electric Field
- Bound Charges and Electric Field Created by a Polarized Object
Magnetic Field
- Lorentz Force Law and Magnetic Field
- Magnetic Forces Do Not Work
- Current and Current Density
- Continuity Equation in Electromagnetism
- Steady Current and Biot-Savart Law
- Divergence (Divergence) and Curl of Magnetic Field ,
- Ampère’s Law and Applications
- Magnetic Vector Potential
- Multipole Expansion of Vector Potential and Magnetic Dipole Moment
- Magnetic Field Created by a Magnetic Dipole
Magnetic Field in Matter
- Magnetization Density and Magnetic Materials
- Torque on Magnetic Dipoles in an External Magnetic Field and Paramagnetism
- Changes in Electron Orbits due to an External Magnetic Field and Diamagnetism
- Bound Current Density and Magnetic Field Created by a Magnetized Object
- Electromotive Force and Motional Electromotive Force
- Faraday’s Law and Lenz’s Law
- Mutual Inductance
- Self-Inductance
- Energy in a Magnetic Field
- Maxwell’s Equations
Conservation Laws
- Poynting’s Theorem and Poynting Vector
- Maxwell Stress Tensor
- Electromagnetic Force on Charges within a Volume
- Momentum Conservation in Electrodynamics
- Angular Momentum of Electromagnetic Fields
Electromagnetic Waves
Potential and Electromagnetic Field
- Potential and Electromagnetic Field
- Gauge Transformation
- Coulomb Gauge and Lorenz Gauge
- Retarded Time, Delayed Potential for Continuous Distribution
- Jefimenko’s Equations
- Liénard-Wiechert Potential
- Electric Field Created by a Moving Point Charge
- Magnetic Field Created by a Moving Point Charge
- David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics (4th Edition, 2014)
All posts
- Finding the Speed of Electromagnetic Light from Maxwell's Equations
- Coulomb's Law and Electric Fields
- Applications of Gauss's Law in Integral Form
- Divergence of the Electric Field
- Electric Flux and Gauss's Law
- Electric Field Curl
- Potential
- Properties of Potential
- Multipole Expansion of Potential and Dipole Moments
- Alignment of Polar Molecules by a Constant External Electric Field
- Alignment of Polar Molecules by a Non-uniform Electric Field
- Ampère's Law and Applications
- Current and Current Density
- Divergence (Divergence) and Curl of Magnetic Fields
- Electric Field Created by a Dipole
- Electric Field Created by Bound Charges and Polarized Objects
- Magnetic Fields Produced by Magnetic Dipoles
- Magnetic Forces Do Not Work
- Magnetic Vector Potential
- Magnetism and the Law of Lorentz Force
- Multipole Expansion of Vector Potentials and Magnetic Dipole Moments
- Polarization density and genomes
- Steady Current and Biot-Savart Law
- Bound Current Density and the Vector Magnetic Field Created by a Magnetized Object
- Changes in Electron Orbits Due to External Magnetic Fields and Diamagnetism
- Self-Density and Ferromagnets
- The Torque on a Magnetic Dipole in an External Magnetic Field and Paramagnetism
- Electromotive Force and Kinetic Electromotive Force
- Work and Energy in Electrostatics
- Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law
- Mutual Inductance
- Self-Inductance
- Energy in a Magnetic Field
- Continuity Equations in Electromagnetism
- Maxwell's Equations
- Poynting's Theorem and Poynting Vector
- Maxwell's Stress Tensor
- Electromagnetic Force on a Charge inside a Volume
- Angular Momentum of the Electromagnetic Field
- Conservation of Momentum in Electrodynamics
- Coulomb Gauge and Lorentz Gauge
- Gauge Transformation
- Delayed Potential on Continuous Distribution of Delay Times
- Electric Potential and Electromagnetic Fields
- The Zhemengko Equation
- Liénard-Wiechert Potentials
- Gradient of Time Delay
- Time Derivatives of the Lienard-Wiechert Potentials
- Moving Point Charges and the Electric Fields They Create
- Magnetic Field Created by a Moving Point Charge
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