Banach Space
Normed Spaces and Banach Spaces are discussed here.
Normed Spaces
- Definition of Normed Space
- Bounded Subsets
- Convergence of Sequences
- Norm is a Continuous Mapping
- Uniform Convexity
- Dense Subsets and Closure
- Isometric Mapping
- Embedding, Inclusion Map
- Proof of Riesz’s Lemma
- Proof of Riesz’s Theorem
Finite Dimension
- Hamel Basis of Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces
- Finite Dimensional Normed Spaces Have a Basis
- All Norms on a Finite Dimensional Vector Space are Equivalent
- Finite Dimensional Normed Spaces are Complete
Bounded Linear Operators
Compact Operators
Banach Spaces
- 🔒(25/03/09)Approximation, Best Approximation
- 🔒(25/03/13)Existence
- 🔒(25/03/11)Minimizing Sequence
- Erwin Kreyszig, Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications (1989)
- Robert A. Adams and John J. F. Foutnier, Sobolev Space (2nd Edition, 2003)
- Ole Christensen, Functions, Spaces, and Expansions: Mathematical Tools in Physics and Engineering (2010)
All posts
- Sequence Spaces (ℓp spaces)
- Proof that the p-norm becomes the maximum norm when p=∞
- Banach Space
- Hamel Basis of Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces
- Every Finite-Dimensional Normed Space Has a Basis
- Proof that All Norms Defined on a Finite Dimensional Vector Space are Equivalent
- Proof of the Completeness of Finite Dimensional Normed Spaces
- Proof of Lissajous's Auxiliary Lemma
- Lefschetz Fixed Point Theorem Proof
- Operators in Functional Analysis
- Properties of Linear Operators
- Bounded Linear Operators Squared Norm
- Isometric Mapping
- Banach Fixed-Point Theorem Proof
- Uniform Convexity
- Embeddings in Mathematics, Insertion Mappings
- What is a Norm Space?
- Proof that All Isometric Mappings are Embeddings
- Semi Norm
- Hahn Banach Theorem for Real, Complex, Seminorm
- Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem
- Natural Embeddings and Reflexive Spaces
- Fréchet Derivative
- Chain Rule for Fréchet Derivatives
- Infinite-Dimensional Vector Spaces and Schauder Bases
- Why Functional is Named Functional
- Convergence of Sequences in Normed Spaces
- Prove that Norm is a Continuous Mapping
- Norm Space에서의 Infinite Series Span Total Sequence
- Dense Subsets and Closures
- Properties of Bounded Linear Operators
- Extensions of Bounded Linear Operators
- Compact Action Spaces
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Subset of a Normed Space to be Bounded
- Compact Operator Equivalence Conditions
- Integration Operator
- Compact Integral Operators
- Fredholm Integral Equation
- Approximation, Best Approximation