
Graph Theory

Graph Theory or Network Theory is a branch of discrete mathematics that has been treated with great importance and is expanding its scope with endless applications in recent times. It is inherently visualization-friendly and algorithm-friendly, making it a field close to computer science and data science. Ironically, the proof process often involves more words than equations, making it a challenging subject for mathematicians. Regardless of personal preferences, studying graph theory is never a waste of time, and it can be recommended to undergraduates without the need for prerequisites.




Deterministic Graphs

Named Graphs

Path Problems

Four Color Problem

Nondeterministic Networks

Random Networks




  • Albert, Barabási. (2002). Statistical mechanics of complex networks
  • Barabási. (2016). Network Science
  • Brouwer. (2011). Spectra of Graphs
  • Frieze. (2015). Introduction to Random Graphs
  • Newman. (2010). Networks: An Introduction
  • Wilson. (1970). Introduction to Graph Theory

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