Data Science
Here is the translated text:
Data Science is a branch of formal science that encompasses the entire set of techniques for collecting, processing, storing, analyzing, and presenting data. This category covers introductory-level topics in basic statistics and visualization, typically taught in the first or second year of undergraduate studies.
Introduction to Statistics
- Definition and Origin of Data
- Qualitative and Quantitative Variables
- Independent and Dependent Variables
- 🔒(25/03/10) The Curse of Dimensionality
Central Tendency and Dispersion
Regression Problems
- Fitted Values, Predicted Values, Residuals, and Errors
- Mean Absolute Percentage Error MAPE
- Mean Arctangent Absolute Percentage Error MAAPE
Classification Problems
- Bar Charts for Qualitative Data
- Histograms for Quantitative Data
- Line Graphs for Time Series Data
- Dot Plots for Multivariate Data
- What is a Heatmap?
- What is a Dendrogram?
- What is a Box Plot?
- Mendenhall. (2012). Introduction to Probability and Statistics (13th Edition)
- 경북대학교 통계학과. (2008). 엑셀을 이용한 통계학
All posts
- What is a Heatmap?
- What is a Dendrogram?
- Definition and Etymology of Data
- Qualitative Variable and Quantitative Variable
- Scales in Statistics: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio
- Definition of Statistics
- Qualitative Data Frequency
- Quantitative Data Classification
- Bar Graphs of Qualitative Data
- Histograms of Quantitative Data
- Line Charts of Time Series Data
- Scatter Plot of Multivariate Data
- Definition of Mean in Basic Statistics
- Parameter and Statistic in Basic Statistics
- Definition of Median in Basic Statistics
- Definition of the Mode in Basic Statistics
- Definition of Variance in Basic Statistics
- Z-Score and Standardization
- Percentiles and Outliers
- Degrees of Freedom in Statistics
- What is a Box Plot?
- Dimensionality Reduction in Data Science
- Independent and Dependent Variables in Data Science
- Definitions of Classification and Regression Problems in Data Science
- The Overestimation of Accuracy in Data Science
- What is Precision in Data Science?
- What is Reproducibility in Data Science?
- What is an F1 Score in Data Science?
- Hyperparameters, What Are They?
- Normalization of Data
- Mean Absolute Percentage Error MAPE
- Mean Arctangent Absolute Percentage Error MAAPE
- Curse of Dimensionality