Softmax Function in Deep Learning
📂Machine LearningSoftmax Function in Deep Learning
Let’s refer to it as x:=(x1,⋯,xn)∈Rn.
For σj(x)=∑i=1nexiexj, σ(x):=(σ1(x),⋯,σn(x)) is defined as σ:Rn→(0,1)n, which is called the softmax.
The softmax function is a type of activation function characterized by its domain being Rn. It is used to normalize the values of a vector as input. For any x∈R, every component of σ(x) is between 0 and 1, and when they are all added together, they exactly become 1.
This property is similar to probability, and in practice, it is conveniently used in solving classification problems when implementing artificial neural networks.