
Conjugate Maps in Chaos Theory 📂Dynamics

Conjugate Maps in Chaos Theory


In chaos theory, the conjugacy of maps is akin to isometry and isomorphism, and indeed, in a more general context of dynamics, it is synonymous with homeomorphism itself.

1 Although not exactly the same according to some textbooks, their purpose is precisely the same. As is the case with mathematics, the idea is to verify a property in a simpler computation context first and then preserve that property where the actual proof is necessary.


For two maps defined in XX, if there exists a continuous bijection CC such that Cf=gCC \circ f = g \circ C is satisfied, then ff and gg are said to be conjugate.


Let’s assume for all xx, it holds that g(C(x))=C(f(x))g \left( C(x) \right) = C \left( f(x) \right).

  • [1]: If xx is a period-kk point of ff, then C(x)C(x) is a period-kk point of gg.
  • [2]: If in the period-kk orbit of ff, C0C’ \ne 0 holds (gk)(C(x))=(fk)(x)\left( g^{k} \right) ' \left( C (x) \right) = \left( f^{k} \right) ' (x)


These two theorems imply that conjugacy maintains irrespective of iterating the maps or taking derivatives. This means if it is easier to calculate the Lyapunov exponent in one system, it should be equally feasible in the system conjugate to it.


A good example is showing that the logistic map has a chaotic orbit.


For example, the tent map T:[0,1][0,1]T : [0,1] \to [0,1] is defined as T(x)=112xT(x) = 1 - | 1 - 2x|, and the logistic map GG is defined as part of the logistic family as G(x):=g4(x)=4x(1x)G (x) := g_{4} (x) = 4x(1-x). In this case

C(x):=1cosπx2C(x) : = {{ 1- \cos \pi x} \over { 2 }}

is a continuous bijection that exists such that TT and GG are conjugate. It can be easily verified by actually calculating that

G(C(x))=sin2πx=C(T(x))G(C(x)) = \sin^2 \pi x = C ( T(x) )


The pictures above show the graphs obtained by repeatedly applying the tent map and the process of finding the period-kk points of TT by finding the intersection points with y=xy=x. This demonstrates that for all kNk \in \mathbb{N}, there exists a period-kk orbit for TT, and due to the existence of CC and theorem [1], it can also be shown that for all kNk \in \mathbb{N}, there exists a period-kk orbit for GG.

Meanwhile, as [0,1][0,1] almost everywhere ln(Tk(x))=ln2>0\ln \left| \left( T^{k} (x) \right)' \right| = \ln 2 > 0, the period point xx of TT is a source, and the period point C(X)C(X) of GG is also a source. Therefore, the period orbit corresponding to the period orbit of TT {x,,}\left\{ x , \cdots , \right\} cannot be asymptotically periodic for GG {C(x),}\left\{ C(x) , \cdots \right\}, and according to theorem [2], it guarantees that the Lyapunov exponent is positive.

This ultimately means that the logistic map has a chaotic orbit. While this indirect proof might feel difficult, it’s significantly easier than directly proving that the logistic map has a chaotic orbit.


Proof of theorem [1]

Assuming that C(fk1(x))=gk1(C(x))C \left( f^{k-1} (x) \right) = g^{k-1} \left( C (x) \right) holds,

C(fk(x))=g[C(fk1(x))]=g[gk1(C(x))]=gk(C(x)) \begin{align*} C \left( f^{k} (x) \right) =& g \left[ C \left( f^{k-1} (x) \right) \right] \\ =& g \left[ g^{k-1} \left( C (x) \right) \right] \\ =& g^{k} \left( C (x) \right) \end{align*}

Meanwhile, when k=1k=1, since f1(x)=xf^{1} (x) = x,

g(C(x))=C(f(x))=C(x) g \left( C(x) \right) = C \left( f(x) \right) = C (x)

By mathematical induction for all kNk \in \mathbb{N},

C(fk(x))=gk(C(x)) C \left( f^{k} (x) \right) = g^{k} \left( C (x) \right)

If xx is a period-kk point of ff, since fk(x)=xf^{k} (x) = x,

gk(C(x))=C(x) g^{k} \left( C (x) \right) = C(x)

Thus, C(x)C(x) is a period-kk point of gg.

Proof of theorem [2]

Let’s consider xx is a period-kk point of ff.

From the proof of theorem [1],

gk(C(x))=C(fk(x)) g^{k} \left( C (x) \right) = C \left( f^{k} (x) \right)

By the chain rule,

(gk)(C(x))C(x)=C(x)(fk)(x) \left( g^{k} \right)' \left( C(x) \right) C’ (x) = C ' (x) \left( f^{k} \right)' (x)

Since C(x)0C ' (x) \ne 0, by cancelling the terms on both sides,

(gk)(C(x))=(fk)(x) \left( g^{k} \right)' \left( C(x) \right) = \left( f^{k} \right)' (x)


Below is code written in R to draw graphs of the tent map TT, the logistic map GG, and TkT^{k}.

tent<-function(x) {1 - abs(1-2*x)}
logistic<-function(x) {4*x*(1-x)}
win.graph(8,4); par(mfrow=c(1,2))
plot(tent,main='Tent Map T')
plot(logistic,main='Logistic Map G\')
win.graph(9,3.5); par(mfrow=c(1,3))
plot(tent,main='T',xlab='x',ylab='y'); abline(0,1)

  1. Kuznetsov. (1998). Elements of Applied Bifurcation Theory(2nd Edition): p41. ↩︎

  2. Yorke. (1996). CHAOS: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems: p115. ↩︎

  3. Yorke. (1996). CHAOS: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems: p117~119. ↩︎

  4. Yorke. (1996). CHAOS: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems: p116~121. ↩︎