The Wiener Process is also called Brownian Motion.
(ii): Having (Wt+u−Wt)⊥Ws means that
(iii): The increments follow a normal distributionN(0,t), signifying that the Wiener Process does not care about specific points in time, but the uncertainty increases as the difference between two points in time increases.
(iv): The fact that sample paths are almost surely continuous means that if there is a point following the Wiener process, the chance of it ’teleporting’ is as if 0. If it’s too hard to understand, knowing that it does not make sudden leaps is enough.
[1]: An interesting fact is that the probability density function of WtfWt(x,t)=2πt1e−2tx2
becomes the solution to the heat equation∂t∂u=21∂x2∂2u.
[4]: It’s not common to see the covariance expressed as the minimum of something. It’s highly recommended to follow the proof process and understand how it was derived.
By (i) and (iii), Wt=Wt−0=Wt−W0∼N(0,t)
Since Wt follows a normal distribution by [1], E(Wt)=0
Since Wt follows a normal distribution by [1], Var(Wt)=t
Let t>s then by the definition of covariance and [2]