
Discrete Logarithm Problems Solved Easily Under Certain Conditions 📂Number Theory

Discrete Logarithm Problems Solved Easily Under Certain Conditions

Review 1

Assume element $g$ of group $G = F_{p}$ has an order of $N$. Then, the Discrete Logarithm problem $g^{x} = h$ becomes relatively easy to solve under the following conditions:



If $p$ is a smooth prime, the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm can be used, so the Discrete Logarithm problem is relatively easy to solve.


$$ x^{2} \equiv a \pmod{p} $$ $a$ being a quadratic residue modulo $p$ means there exists a solution that satisfies the above congruence equation. If the remainder of prime $p$ divided by $4$ is $3$, $$ b \equiv a^{(p+1)/4} \pmod{p} $$ then for some $a \equiv g^{2k} \pmod{p}$, $$ \begin{align*} b^{2} \equiv & a^{{ p+1 } \over { 2 }} & \pmod{p} \\ \equiv & \left( g^{2k} \right)^{{ p+1 } \over { 2 }} & \pmod{p} \\ \equiv & g^{(p+1)k} & \pmod{p} \\ \equiv & g^{2k + (p-1)k} & \pmod{p} \\ \equiv & a \cdot \left( g^{p-1} \right)^{k} & \pmod{p} \\ \equiv & a & \pmod{p} \end{align*} $$ thus it becomes a solution to the given congruence equation. With this formula, the square root of $a$ can be found very quickly, making the Discrete Logarithm problem relatively easy to solve.

See Also

Security algorithms utilizing the difficulty of the Discrete Logarithm problem

Attack algorithms for the Discrete Logarithm problem

  1. Hoffstein. (2008). An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography: p84~92. ↩︎