
Moving Average Process 📂Statistical Analysis

Moving Average Process

Model 1

The process defined as follows for white noise {et}tN\left\{ e_{t} \right\}_{t \in \mathbb{N}} and according to Yt:=etθ1et1θ2et2θqetqY_{t} := e_{t} - \theta_{1} e_{t-1} - \theta_{2} e_{t-2} - \cdots - \theta_{q} e_{t-q}, is called the qqth order moving average process MA(q)MA(q).

  • (1): MA(1):Yt=etθet1MA(1) : Y_{t} = e_{t} - \theta e_{t-1}
  • (2): MA(2):Yt=etθ1et1θ2et2MA(2) : Y_{t} = e_{t} - \theta_{1} e_{t-1} - \theta_{2} e_{t-2}
  • (q): MA(q):Yt=etθ1et1θ2et2θqetqMA(q) : Y_{t} = e_{t} - \theta_{1} e_{t-1} - \theta_{2} e_{t-2} - \cdots - \theta_{q} e_{t-q}
  • (∞): MA():Yt=etθ1et1θ2et2MA( \infty ) : Y_{t} = e_{t} - \theta_{1} e_{t-1} - \theta_{2} e_{t-2} - \cdots

  • N\mathbb{N} denotes the set of natural numbers {1,2,3,}\left\{ 1, 2, 3 , \cdots \right\}.


The green, red, orange, and purple lines in the following figure are referred to as moving average lines.


Moving average lines are widely used in graphs, especially in the stock market, as they allow observing the overall trend rather than the extreme changes day by day. However, it might be difficult to understand why MA(q)MA(q) is called a “moving average process” just by looking at the formula. As a simple example, consider MA(2):Yt=etθ1et1θ2et2MA(2) : Y_{t} = e_{t} - \theta_{1} e_{t-1} - \theta_{2} e_{t-2}, which becomes Yt=et1+et22+et\displaystyle Y_{t} = {{ e_{t-1} + e_{t-2} } \over {2}} + e_{t} when θ1=θ2=12\displaystyle \theta_{1} = \theta_{2} = - {{1} \over {2}}.

If a variable is growing or declining smoothly, that is, with minimal local fluctuations, then looking at the moving averages would be meaningless. Similarly, moving averages merely smooth out changes without altering the scale itself. Similarly, MA(q)MA(q) focuses on identifying patterns over shorter periods than qq, not on the specific values or overall trends. In other words, it can only be used with data that has stationarity.

  1. Cryer. (2008). Time Series Analysis: With Applications in R(2nd Edition): p57. ↩︎